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322D630F567389D98725879D007771BD Hearing Summary


Date Nov 30, 2021      
Location Old State Library

Discussion of Funding Recommendations - Committee Discussion Only

02:44:41 PM  
The chair talked about the goal of the discussion and debate. This week the task force will determine which recommendations should move forward. Next week the task force will allocate funds.
02:46:13 PM  
There was a discussion
about future task force meetings.
02:47:07 PM  
The task force discussed
recommendation A, which would establish a revolving loan fund.  Task
force members discussed combining other recommendation into A, the transformational
nature of the recommendation, as well as the future of affordable housing.
 Director George indicated that DOLA administers many funds where
this recommendation is appropriate.

02:56:06 PM  
A task force member
pointed out that recommendation A aligns with the Governor's recommendations.
 The committee discussed work force housing.
02:58:49 PM  
The task force talked
about recommendation B, which creates gap financing including expansion
of tax credit programs.
02:59:25 PM  
The task force discussed
recommendation C, which would provide funding to nonprofits and local governments
for grants.  A member suggested that grants should link with the revolving
loan fund.  Other members talked about how the subpanel ranked the
recommendation and that the recommendation could bring transformational
03:04:12 PM  
There was a discussion
about folding recommendation B into recommendation C.  Ms. George
indicated that gap financing could fit under revolving loan funds and nonprofit
and local government grants.
03:06:22 PM  
A task force member
mentioned that several members are sponsoring legislation related to the
affordable housing tax credit, increasing the limit and extending the time
03:07:14 PM  
The committee discussed
recommendation D, which proposes developing strategies to maintain existing
affordable housing.  A committee member suggested that this recommendation
be folded into the nonprofit and local government grants to support local
03:12:36 PM  
Ms. Alderman suggested
that there may be a preference for loans, however grants are needed for
some situations.  There was a discussion about the use of nonprofit
and local government grants to fund projects related to House Bill 21-1271.
 Ms. Alderman indicated that the subpanel had not envisioned administering
funds through current programs.
03:17:26 PM  
A member questioned
the transformational nature of maintaining existing affordable housing
and otherd discussed folding the recommendation into another recommendation.
03:20:27 PM  
The task force discussed
recommendation E, which addresses issues related to resident owned communities
such as mobile home parks, and land-banking.  Ms. Alderman discussed
the recommendation.
03:24:20 PM  
A task force member
suggested that recommendation E could be folded into recommendations A
and/or C.  There was a discussion about whether or not funding in
this recommendation would go to the mobile home parks program.  Ms.
George indicated that this Division of Housing program is for oversight
with no administration of grant funds.

03:27:34 PM  
A task force member
voiced their support for recommendation E and the benefits of the review
of mobile home park acquisition.
03:30:05 PM  
The committee discussed
recommendation F, property conversion for transitional or long term housing.
 The discussion included the need for this option, as well as overlap
with the Governor's proposal related to homelessness.  Ms. Toombs
indicated that funding for the Governor's proposal has not been finalized
and may include other sources.
03:32:33 PM  
Ms. Toombs talked
about overlap between recommendation F and the Governor's proposal to address
the needs of the homeless.
03:33:37 PM  
The task force discussed
recommendation G, permanent supportive housing and supportive services
fund.  A task force member discussed the need for services and several
members voiced support.  The discussion also included alignment with
the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force.  Ms. Alderman indicated
that this recommendation could be funded in a number of ways, but the subpanel
talked about this item as a priority.
03:41:02 PM  
The task force discussed
recommendation H, sustainable rental assistance.  The discussion included
rental assistance as a way to keep families housed right now while additional
housing is being built.
03:44:43 PM  
Director George talked
about rental assistance, with over $200 million spent thus far and $300
million remaining.  She indicated that these funds may be stabilizing
for families, but these funds are short term and not sustainable.  
03:46:11 PM  
A member talked about
the transformational nature of sustainable rental assistance.  The
task force discussed the long-term use of emergency rental assistance,
through 2023.
03:47:36 PM  
The task force discussed
recommendation I, that would create a homeowner obtainment fund.  The
discussion noted the lack of testimony on this recommendation and the availability
of affordable housing for such a fund.  

03:51:36 PM  
The task force discussed
recommendation J, that would encourage teh development of both a modular
housing industry and modular homes as part of an assortment of affordable
housing options.  Several members voiced support for the recommendation
while other members suggested that the Task Force on Economic Recovery
and Relief Cash Fund may be a better fit for the recommendation.  There
was also a discussion about combining recommendations J and K.

03:56:34 PM  
The task force discussed
recommendation K.
04:01:45 PM  
The task force discussed
that a fund does not currently exist for recommendation K, although the
recommendation does have the potential to transform.
04:04:09 PM  
Recommendation K
was discussed as a potential for community partnership and leveraging local
funding and other resources.
04:05:12 PM  
The task force discussed
the Governor's proposal one: Strong Communities.  The recommendation
was discussed as a way to provide incentives to local governments to overcome
obstacles to housing.  The task force discussed possible overlap with
recommendations A and C, and possibly folding the proposal into recommendation
C.  Mr. Toor talked about the competitive nature of the Governor's
proposal, where communities work to create the best infill developments.

04:12:38 PM  
The task force discussed
the Governor's proposal two:  providing financing for green energy
within affordable housing.  There was a discussion about whether grants
are the best way to fund this proposal and whether the proposal should
be folded into recommendations A or C.  Mr. Toor talked about the
proposal related to new housing.
04:18:21 PM  
The task force discussed
the Governor's proposal three: an innovative housing incentive program,
including modular housing incentives.  A task force member talked
about the proposal as a way to build affordable housing quickly.  Several
members discussed the recommendation as a business development proposal
to construct more affordable housing.

04:25:01 PM  
The task force discussed
the Governor's proposal four: developing the CHFA missing middle workforce

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