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H_PBH_2023A 01/12/2023 09:53:39 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/12/2023
Amabile X
Bradfield X
Bradley X
Buckner X
Cutter *
deGruy Kennedy *
English *
Garcia *
Ginal X
Gonzales-Gutierrez X
Hamrick X
Hartsook X
Holtorf *
Jaquez Lewis X
Jodeh X
Lieder X
McCormick X
Michaelson Jenet X
Mullica X
Ortiz *
Rich *
Smallwood X
Soper *
Story X
Titone X
Weinberg X
Will E
Willford E
Young X
Fields X
Daugherty *
Time 09:53:39 AM to 05:53:44 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Daugherty
This Report was prepared by Amanda King
Hearing Items Action Taken
Joint Budget Committee JR 25 Briefing Committee Discussion Only
Waitlist for Persons with IDD Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony Related to the Waitlist for Persons with IDD Committee Discussion Only
SMART Government Act Briefing for the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony Related to the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing Committee Discussion Only
SMART Government Act Briefing for the Department of Early Childhood Committee Discussion Only
Early Childhood Leadership Commission Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony Related to the Department of Early Childhood Committee Discussion Only
SMART Government Act Briefing for the Department of Human Services Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony Related to the Department of Human Services Committee Discussion Only

Joint Budget Committee JR 25 Briefing - Committee Discussion Only

09:54:47 AM  
Senator Zenzinger,
Joint Budget Committee (JBC) Chair, introduced the the other members of
the JBC.  She highlighted the departments that will be discussed during
the presentation, which included the Department of Health Care Policy and
Financing (HCPF), Department of Human Services (DHS), Department of Public
Health and Environment (CDPHE), the Department of Early Childhood (DEC),
and the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA).  Senator Zenzinger
referenced the JBC Staff Budget Briefing Summary booklet, which can be
accessed at the following website:
  She also introduced the JBC Staff.  A meeting agenda was distributed
to the committee (Attachment A).  
10:03:46 AM  
Senator Kirkmeyer
reviewed the HCPF budget briefing documents.  She highlighted the
R7 budget request concerning provider rates.  Senator Kirkmeyer and
Senator Zenzinger responded to questions from the committee regarding the
R2 budget request related to behavioral health funding.  
10:18:14 AM  
Senator Kirkmeyer
discussed the DHS budget briefing documents.  She highlighted the
R2 budget request regarding preventing youth homelessness.  Senator
Zenzinger responded to questions from the committee regarding the DHS budget
10:30:45 AM  
Senator Kirkmeyer
reviewed the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) budget requests.  She
highlighted the BHA R1 request regarding BHA personnel.  Senator Zenzinger
highlighted the chart on page 59 of the JBC Staff Budget Briefing Summary
booklet of  annualized prior year legislation for DHS.  
10:36:28 AM  
Senator Zenzinger
presented on the CDPHE budget requests.  She highlighted the R3 budget
request concerning health facilities cash fund fee relief and the R6 budget
request concerning vital statistics fee relief.  Senator Zenzinger
also discussed the R7 budget request concerning syphilis outreach.
10:41:33 AM  
Committee members
discussed the budget request concerning syphilis outreach.  
10:43:13 AM  
Senator Zenzinger
discussed the DORA budget briefing documents.  She highlighted the
R1 budget request concerning the Division of Insurance senior staffing
and the R3 budget request concerning resources for the Prescription Drug
Affordability Review Board.  Senator Zenzinger and Representative
Bird responded to questions from the committee.
10:57:37 AM  
Senator Zenzinger
discussed the DEC budget briefing documents.  She highlighted the
following budget requests:

- R4 concerning
early intervention caseload;

- R6 concerning
early childhood mental health support;

- R9 concerning
child sexual abuse prevention training;

- R10 concerning
provider rates; and

- R11 concerning
the nurse home visitor program.

Senator Zenzinger responded to questions from the committee.  Senator
Kirkmeyer made additional comments to the committee.  Senator Zenzinger
made concluding remarks to the committee.      

Waitlist for Persons with IDD Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

11:10:27 AM  
Bonnie Silva, HCPF,
presented to the committee on the waitlist for persons with Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities, as required by Section 25.5-10-207.5, C.R.S.
11:11:55 AM  
Randy Brodersen,
North Metro Community Services, presented to the committee concerning the
waitlist for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
11:15:30 AM  
Sally Montgomery, Mosaic, presented to the committee concerning the waitlist for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She highlighted workforce issues providers are facing.
11:18:38 AM  
Ms. Silva provided
a powerpoint presentation to the committee (Attachment B).  She discussed
what are long-term services and supports, who receives long-term services
and supports, and long-term services and supports programs.  Ms. Silva
discussed the waiver services for persons with intellectual and developmental
11:24:29 AM  

Ms. Silva discussed the waitlist progress and management.  She discussed how HCPF is attempting to meet the needs of people on the waitlist while they are waiting for services.  Ms. Silva stated that since FY 14-15, the state has invested $287 million in ending the waitlist.  She highlighted other related initiatives the state is undertaking, including Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver Expansion, elimination of sub-minimum wage employment, and  remote supports.  

11:33:20 AM  
Ms. Silva answered questions from the committee.

Public Testimony Related to the Waitlist for Persons with IDD - Committee Discussion Only

11:37:43 AM  
No one testified
on the waitlist for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

SMART Government Act Briefing for the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing - Committee Discussion Only

11:38:48 AM  
Kim Bimestefer, Executive
Director, HCPF, presented to the committee, as required by the SMART Government
Act.  A powerpoint and other materials concerning HCPF were provided
to the committee (Attachment C).  Ms. Bimestefer highlighted the HCPF
mission and gave an overview of the department's organizational structure.
11:43:33 AM  
Ralph Choate, Chief Operations Officer, HCPF, presented to the committee concerning the ending of continuous coverage requirements.
11:46:13 AM  
Ms. Bimestefer discussed the department's efforts to manage costs. She discussed the Medicaid population, value-based payments, and efforts to manage prescription drug costs. Ms. Bimestefer reviewed hospital transparency reports. She reviewed the department's goals and current projects.
11:54:04 AM  
Ms. Bimestefer responded to questions from the committee.
11:57:31 AM  
Bonnie Silva, Office
of Community Living Director, HCPF, presented to the committee on the department's
use of federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)  funds for home and
community based services.  Ms. Silva and Ms. Bimestefer responded
to questions from the committee.
12:18:52 PM  
Cristen Bates, Behavioral
Health Initiatives and Coverage Office Director, HCPF, presented to the
committee on the ARPA funds used by HCPF to address behavioral health,
as well as the Statewide Supportive Housing Expansion Pilot Project.  Ms.
Bimestefer and Ms. Silva responded to questions from the committee.
12:27:55 PM  
Adela Flores Brennan, Medicaid Director, HCPF, and Ms. Bimestefer responded to questions from the committee. Ms. Silva and Ms. Bates responded to additional questions from the committee.
12:38:00 PM  
The panelists continued to respond to questions from the committee members.
12:42:17 PM  
Ms. Flores Brennan
presented to the committee on HCPF's equity, diversity, inclusion, and
accessibility and health equity efforts. She reviewed the Accountable Care
Collaborative care delivery model.  Ms. Flores Brennan highlighted
aspects of the department's legislative agenda and regulatory agenda.  She
provided the reports required by House Bill 18-1321, concerning urgent
non-emergent medical transportation, and Senate Bill 21-009, concerning
the Reproductive Health Care Program.
12:56:16 PM  
Mr. Choate provided
the report required by Senate Bill 17-121, concerning improving Medicaid
correspondence.  Ms. Bates provided the reports required by Senate
Bill 19-195, concerning children and youth behavioral health system improvements,
and House Bill 21-1085, concerning secure transportation in behavioral
health crisis.
01:00:35 PM  
Ms. Bimestefer provided concluding remarks to the committee. Ms. Bates responded to questions from the committee.

Public Testimony Related to the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing - Committee Discussion Only

01:04:08 PM  
No one testified
on this agenda item.  

The committee recessed.

SMART Government Act Briefing for the Department of Early Childhood - Committee Discussion Only

02:03:45 PM  
The committee came
to order. Director Lisa Roy began the presentation and gave an overview
of the leadership team and different offices within the Department of Early
Childhood (DEC). A powerpoint and other documents concerning DEC were submitted
to the committee (Attachment D).
02:08:31 PM  
Director Roy went
over goals for the department.
02:20:00 PM  
DEC staff continued to answer questions from the committee.
02:36:26 PM  
Deputy Director Mary
Alice Cohen continued with the presentation.
02:43:19 PM  
Deputy Director Cohen
went over different grant programs through the department. Deputy Director
Cohen answered questions from the committee.
02:51:56 PM  
Deputy Director Cohen
presented information on different units within the department.
02:54:43 PM  
Director Tom Massey gave an overview of the Office of Administrative Solutions and the units that operate within it.
02:55:27 PM  
Michelle Stillwell-Parvensky
gave an overview of the legislative agenda for the DEC.
02:59:56 PM  
Jeanni Stefanik,
Chief Financial Officer, gave an overview of the budget request made by
the department and other fiscal information.

Early Childhood Leadership Commission Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

03:05:18 PM  
Kristina Heyl, Partnerships
and Collaboration Unit Manager, gave an overview of the duties and responsibilities
of the Early Childhood Leadership Commission (ECLC). A copy of the presentation
was submitted to the committee (Attachment E).
03:10:15 PM  
Ms. Heyl went over future goals and plans for the ECLC.

Public Testimony Related to the Department of Early Childhood - Committee Discussion Only

03:12:51 PM  
No one testified
on this agenda item.

SMART Government Act Briefing for the Department of Human Services - Committee Discussion Only

03:14:58 PM  
Michelle Barnes,
Executive Director, gave an overview of the Department of Human Services
(DHS) including services they provide and workforce information. A copy
of the presentation and other relevant documents were submitted to the
committee (Attachment F).
03:17:12 PM  
Kevin Neimond, Chief Policy and Communications Director, went over the legislative and regulatory agenda for the department.
03:28:57 PM  
Telly Belton, Recovery Officer, went over stimulus spending by the department.
03:36:04 PM  
DHS staff answered questions from the committee.
03:46:26 PM  
Director Branch gave
an overview of the goals for the department.
03:48:46 PM  
Pedro Almeida, Deputy
Executive Director of Administrative Solutions, spoke about staffing issues
within the department and what DHS is doing to combat them.
03:55:05 PM  
DHS staff answered questions from the committee.
04:01:43 PM  
Leora Joseph, Direct of Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health, gave an overview of the office and shared information on inpatient restoration orders.
04:13:32 PM  
Barry Pardus, Interim Director of Office of Economic Security, shared information about the office and different programs for food and energy assistance.
04:25:00 PM  
DHS staff answered
questions from the commitee.
04:36:20 PM  
Cole Chandler, Director
of Homelessness Initiatives, presented on goals and implementation efforts
to combat homelessness. Director Chandler answered questions from the committee.
04:47:31 PM  
Director Webb answered questions from the committee.
04:55:25 PM  
Minna Castillo Cohen,
Director of the Office of Children, Youth and Families, gave an overview
of the offices, divisions, programs within it.
05:02:15 PM  
Director Cohen went over the budget request from the office.
05:20:18 PM  
Dr. Morgan Medlock,
Commissioner, Behavioral Health Administration (BHA), gave an overview
of the divisional structure and goals of the BHA. She also covered the
legislative agenda and gave stimulus spending updates.  A copy of
the presentation and other relevant documents were submitted to the committee
(Attachment G).
05:29:53 PM  
Commissioner Medlock
shared the goals for the BHA.
05:32:13 PM  
Ryan Templeton, Division Director for Policy and External Affairs, gave updates on the BHA that are required by statute.
05:33:33 PM  
BHA staff answered questions from the committee.
05:47:43 PM  
Director Branch answered questions from the committee.

Public Testimony Related to the Department of Human Services - Committee Discussion Only

05:49:33 PM  
Mrs. Keir Clark, representing themself, testified.

05:53:44 PM   The committee adjourned.

The 2024 Statewide Ballot Information Booklet is now online