h_phc_2016a_2016-01-07t09:04:04z4 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/07/2016
Presentation from the Early Childhood Leadership Commission
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01:58 PM -- Presentation from the Early Childhood Leadership Commission
Sheryl Shushan, manager of the Early Childhood Leadership Commission (ECLC), presented to the committee. She referenced a handout about the ECLC provided to the committee (Attachment G). Ms. Shushan explained the strategic task, goals, and membership of the ECLC.
160107 AttachG.pdf
02:00 PM
Ms. Shushan explained the role of the ECLC and its statutory charge. Ms. Shushan described some of the recommendations that the ECLC has made to the Office of Early Childhood, and the progress that the ECLC has made. Ms. Shushan discussed a 2015 accomplishment to create a public-private partnership: the Early Childhood Framework. The ECLC produced a website and communication materials for the Framework. Ms. Shushan noted that the ECLC will present an annual report next week.
02:07 PM
Committee members noted the importance of early childhood work, and closing the achievement gap. Ms. Shushan completed her presentation.