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I_JailStandardsCommission_2022A 07/19/2022 10:16:50 AM Committee Summary

Date 07/19/2022
Carl Anderson X
Taj Ashaheed E
Vincent Atchity X
Candice Bailey X
Commissioner Warren Brown X
Sheriff Allen Cooper X
Sheriff Garth Crowther X
Undersheriff Sam Fief X
Joy Hart E
James Karbach E
Denise Maes X
Christina O'Neill X
Janelle Orozco X
Commissioner Tamara Pogue X
Sheriff Steve Reams X
Jack Reed X
Stoney Roberts E
Lindsay Saunders-Velez X
Henry Solano X
Joel Watts X
Sheriff Shawn Mobley X
Meghan Baker X
Time 10:16:50 AM to 12:19:50 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Meghan Baker
This Report was prepared by Elizabeth Burger
Hearing Items Action Taken
Welcome and Introduction of Commission Chair and Vice-Chair Committee Discussion Only
Review of the Provisions of House Bill 22-1063 Committee Discussion Only
Review of Commission Procedures Committee Discussion Only
Role of Legislative Staff Committee Discussion Only
Presentation on the Open Meetings Law and Colorado Open Records Act Committee Discussion Only
Ongoing Commission Logistics Committee Discussion Only

Welcome and Introduction of Commission Chair and Vice-Chair - Committee Discussion Only

10:16:52 AM
Chair Baker called
the meeting to order. There was a quorum. Members of the Legislative Oversight
Committee on Colorado Jail Standards in attendance included Representative
Amabile, Representative Benavidez, Representative Pelton, and Senator Coleman.
Representative Amabile gave introductory remarks. Meghan Baker, chair of
the commission, introduced herself and discussed her background.  Sheriff
Shawn Mobley, vice-chair of the commission, gave introductory remarks and
discussed his interest in serving on the commission.

10:19:08 AM

The members of the commission introduced themselves and discussed their backgrounds and interest in serving on the commission. Ms. Maureen Cain gave remarks on behalf of James Karbach.

10:33:53 AM
Commissioner introductions continued.

10:36:15 AM

Commissioner introductions continued. Chair Baker discussed competency evaluations in jails.

Review of the Provisions of House Bill 22-1063 - Committee Discussion Only

10:49:04 AM  
Representative Amabile
reviewed the provisions of House Bill 22-1063, and discussed the operating
procedures for the Jail Standards Commission and the Legislative Oversight
Committee for Colorado Jail Standards. She explained that the commissioners
should pick a regular monthly meeting time, and determine the format of
ongoing meetings. She referenced draft operating proceedings for the commission
(Attachment A). She explained that to meet, the commission must have a
quorum, and that approval of any final recommendations by the comission
requires a two-thirds vote of those who are present. She explained that
the oversight committee may introduce up to three bills to implement the
recommendations of commission.
10:51:51 AM  
Representative Amabile responded to questions from Ms. Cain regarding proxie votes and substitute members.

Review of Commission Procedures - Committee Discussion Only

10:53:45 AM  
Elizabeth Burger,
Legislative Council Staff, reviewed the provisions of the draft commission
workplan and operating procedures, including a proposal to divide the commission
into four subgroups responsible for writing draft standards on assigned
topics. Chair Baker opened discussion on the proposed workplan. Mr. Watts
suggested revising the subgroup topical assignments. Ms. Saunders-Velez
discussed the relationship between mental health and housing. Mr. Solano
commented on the relationship between the assigned topics and their division
between subgroups. Ms. Cain commented on grouping certain topics. Discussion
continued regarding commission operating procedures, subgroup assignments,
and assigned topics. The commission discussed the importance of representation
of persons with lived experience on each subgroup.
11:20:30 AM  
Mr. Atchity commented
on the role of mental health across all topics. Ms. Cain discuss possibly
involving a group within Department of Corrections to provide feedback.
Ms. Suanders-Velez commented on the possibility of touring jails. Representative
Amabile discussed the importance of touring jails, and commissioners commented.
11:39:41 AM  
Mr. Reed commented
on the availability of data regarding jails and offered to provide research
to the commission. Commissioner Pogue discussed whether the commission
should adopt a statement of shared values or goals for all subgroups. Sheriff
Reams further commented on the need for commissioners to visit a variety
of jails.

Role of Legislative Staff - Committee Discussion Only

11:48:01 AM
Elizabeth Burger,
Legislative Council Staff, introduced herself and Samatha Falco and Aaron
Carpenter, the Legislative Council Staff members assigned to support the
commission. She discussed the role of Legislative Council Staff in supporting
legislative committees and the specific services the staff would provide
to commission.

Presentation on the Open Meetings Law and Colorado Open Records Act - Committee Discussion Only

11:49:30 AM  
Ed DeCecco, Office
of Legislative Legal Services, began his presentation regarding the Colorado
Open Meetings law and the Colorado Open Records Act (Attachment B) and
distributed resource materials to the commission (Attachments C and D).
He reviewed the provisions of the Open Meetings Law and ensuring public
access to commission work. He continued by reviewing the Colorado Open
Records act and its requirements.

Ongoing Commission Logistics - Committee Discussion Only

12:11:36 PM  
Representative Amabile
suggested that the commission subgroups meet via Zoom, and that full commission
meetings be held in a hybrid format. The commission discussed scheduling
full commission meetings for the second Friday of each month from 10 am
to noon, with the next meeting falling on August 12, 2022. Chair Baker
noted that a chair or lead for each subgroup would be appointed.

12:19:50 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 7, 2024, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 8, 2024, unless otherwise specified. Details