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I_JailStandardsCommission_2022A 08/12/2022 10:07:13 AM Committee Summary

Date 08/12/2022
Carl Anderson X
Taj Ashaheed E
Vincent Atchity X
Candice Bailey *
Commissioner Warren Brown X
Sheriff Allen Cooper X
Sheriff Garth Crowther X
Division Chief Greg Domo E
Undersheriff Sam Fief X
Joy Hart X
James Karbach X
Denise Maes E
Christina O'Neill X
Janelle Orozco *
Commissioner Tamara Pogue *
Sheriff Steve Reams X
Jack Reed E
Stoney Roberts X
Lindsay Saunders-Velez X
Henry Solano X
Joel Watts E
Meghan Baker X
Time 10:07:13 AM to 12:03:41 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Meghan Baker
This Report was prepared by Samantha Falco
Hearing Items Action Taken
Subgroup Updates Committee Discussion Only
Other Business Committee Discussion Only

10:07:16 AM
Chair of the commission,
Meghan Baker, gave introductory remarks. Members of the commission who
were not at the first meeting introduced themselves. Lauren Snyder filled
in as proxy for Vincent Atchity.

10:10:50 AM
Chair Baker started
a discussion on commission procedures. Sheriff Cooper and Ms. Saunders-
Velez gave opinions on subgroup decision making. It was decided that subgroups
can change the order of their assigned topics and update the large group
at  the next full commission meeting.

10:15:16 AM
The commission discussed
how to address interrelated subgroup topical assignments. The commission
discussed collaborative efforts and being attentive towards other legislation.
The commission decided it would be beneficial to work collaboratively.

10:18:30 AM
Chair Baker discussed
the recommended format and drafting process for jail standards. Chair Baker
provided a handout that gave examples of standard formats that can be found

10:26:29 AM
The commission discussed
various jail standards formats used by other states, specifically Ohio.
 The commission also discussed its goals, how specific the commission's
proposed standards should be, the desire to make the formatting as accessible
and understandable as possible, enforceability, accreditation of jails,
on-site audits, and administrative standards.The Ohio Jail Standards format
can be found here:

10:58:10 AM
Chair Baker discussed
legislation that might impact drafting. The commission made suggestions
for drafting, compliance standards, and experiential indicators. Representative
Amabile addressed questions from the commission. Mr. Solano gave comments
on the differences of individuals and their stay within jails.

11:14:30 AM
Chair Baker gave
suggestions for elements of the draft standards, including standards and
goals, recommendations and best practices, compliance, comments, relevant
statutory and legal authority, and relevant standards and materials.

11:17:34 AM
The commission commented
on the recommendation. There was no objection from the commission. Chair
Baker and staff will send out a draft of the proposed standard format.

11:19:50 AM
Chair Baker proposed
the following process for the review of draft standards: the subgroups
create draft standards, following the proposed format, and, one week prior
to the commission meeting, send the standards to staff and upload them
to Box.  The Commission members should read drafts prior to the commission
meeting and the draft standards will be revised based on comments from
the commission. There was no objection from the commission members.

Subgroup Updates - Committee Discussion Only

11:22:03 AM  
Ms. Saunders-Velez
gave an update for Subgroup 1 and discussed their meetings and topics.
Mr. Karbach gave an update for subgroup 2, including their concerns about
giving recommendations. Commissioner Pogue gave an update for subgroup
3. The commission discussed switching subgroups 2 and 3 for presenting
in September for round one. Ms. Bailey and Sheriff Reams gave an update
for subgroup 4 which has not met yet. Ms. Bailey will be the interim chair
for subgroup 4.
11:33:55 AM  
Chair Baker announced
that the subgroups may combine topics but the subgroups cannot delete any
assigned topics. If there is a topic that a subgroup would like to be deleted,
they can propose that in the drafting process.

Other Business - Committee Discussion Only

11:35:44 AM  

The commission proposed a new date for the November commission meeting, and the meeting will be changed to November 18th from 10-12 pm. The commission discussed voting procedures.  A discussion on substitute membership and proxy votes was tabled until a future meeting.

11:42:57 AM  
The commission discussed ways to cohesively work to get information from jails. The sheriffs will be working to get information for the committee.

12:03:41 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 7, 2024, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 8, 2024, unless otherwise specified. Details