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J_CBAC_2022A 12/16/2022 01:31:40 PM Committee Summary

Date 12/16/2022
Matt Becker X
Georgianna Contiguglia *
Dawn DiPrince X
Richard Lee X
Eric Mandil X
Cindi Markwell X
Moreno E
Kurt Morrison X
Danielle Oliveto X
Lois Court *
Lontine X
Time 01:31:40 PM to 03:00:06 PM
Place HCR 0112
This Meeting was called to order by Lontine
This Report was prepared by Jeanette Chapman
Hearing Items Action Taken
President Biden Portrait Committee Discussion Only
General Rose Statue Request Committee Discussion Only
Sign Design Legislative Services Building Committee Discussion Only
Building Security Committee Discussion Only

President Biden Portrait - Committee Discussion Only

01:31:51 PM  
The chair of the
committee, Representative Lontine, provided history about the presidential
portrait collection, including funding.  She also talked about the
current portrait.
01:33:53 PM  
Danielle Oliveto, representing the Governor's Office, talked about the presidential and governor portraits, including funding.
01:34:50 PM  
Jeanette Chapman,
representing Legislative Council Staff, provided additional information
about the presidential portraits and governor portraits.
01:39:01 PM  
Committee members
made comments.
01:39:42 PM  

There was additional discussion about the governor portraits.

01:40:40 PM  
Dawn DiPrince, representing
History Colored, offered the assistance of History Colorado for care and
support of the collections.

01:42:38 PM
Motion Use available committee funds to pay for the presidential portraits, starting with the Biden portrait.
Moved Lontine
Seconded Lois Court
Matt Becker
Georgianna Contiguglia Excused
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Moreno Excused
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Lois Court
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
01:42:39 PM  
Ms. Chapman talked
about changes to the Criteria and Procedures (Attachment A).  Representative
Lontine asked staff to make changes to the Criteria and Procedures that
reflect the what the committee decided.

01:44:41 PM
There was a discussion
about choosing the nominee to the Veteran's Monument Committee by email.

General Rose Statue Request - Committee Discussion Only

01:45:29 PM  
Paul Shamon, representing
the General Rose statue group, indicated that the statue is complete and
the base should be done in the next 30 days, including the walkway.  He
discussed vandalism and the park.  He provided an assessment recommending
anti-vandalism coating and a camera for security (Attachment B).  

01:47:11 PM  
Major Means, representing
the Colorado State Patrol, addressed security concerns.  He said that
coating on the statute may be helpful.  He indicated that there are
cameras currently in place with an overall view of the park.  Major
Means also indicated that there are patrolmen in the park.
01:49:43 PM  
Major Means addressed questions from the committee.
01:50:31 PM  
Richard Lee, representing
the Department of Personnel, addressed vandalism and discussed the presence
of the State Patrol as a deterrent to graffiti.  He indicated that
graffiti is usually gone within 24 hours.  
01:51:27 PM  
Representative Lontine
decided that the committee will not take action on the suggestion for security
01:52:06 PM  
Jason Gelender, representing
the Office of Legislative Legal Services, provided information about an
agreement between the committee and the General Rose statue group.  He
outlined a plan for an agreement.
01:53:48 PM  
The agreement can
be executed with Docusign.  The agreement for donated art will include
reference to the Criteria and Procedures.  The agreement will include
the date of application, committee approval, Capitol Development Committee
(CDC) approval, the resolution, and any other terms and conditions, such
as the statue location and obligations.  Signatory authorities include
the General Rose statue group, Mr. Lee, and the chair of the committee.
 The final agreement will be filed with History Colorado and State
01:56:53 PM  
Representative Lontine
stated that the General Rose statue group agreed to an ongoing agreement
for maintenance.  Mr. Shamon will provide information about maintenance.
01:58:02 PM  
Ms. DiPrince indicated
that she can provide a sample of documents.
01:58:27 PM  
Representative Lontine
asked Mr. Gelender to create a draft of the contract and send to the committee.

Sign Design Legislative Services Building - Committee Discussion Only

01:59:05 PM  
Ms. Chapman, representing
Legislative Council Staff, provided information about the second phase
of the sign project (Attachment C).  She talked about a design style
previously approved by the committee that is included in the attachment.
02:00:29 PM  
Ms. Chapman talked
issues with current signs and replacing signs.  The discussion included
the Legislative Services Building where signs should be placed after a
new security station to further direct visitors to specific offices.
02:01:40 PM  
Matt Becker provided
a history of the sign project and the current signs in the Legislative
Services Building.
02:03:52 PM  

There was a discussion about approval from the Secretary of State for use of the State Seal. Ms. Chapman will talk with the Secretary of State about continued use of the State Seal.

02:06:10 PM
Motion Approve the proposed design style for the Legislative Services Building.
Moved Lois Court
Seconded Kurt Morrison
Matt Becker
Georgianna Contiguglia Excused
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Moreno Excused
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Lois Court
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

Building Security - Committee Discussion Only

02:08:03 PM
Motion Motion for Executive Session
Moved Lontine
Seconded Lois Court
Matt Becker
Georgianna Contiguglia Excused
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Moreno Excused
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Lois Court
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
02:08:05 PM  
The committee discussed security options for the building.
02:08:33 PM  
Randy Giseburt, representing
the Colorado Department of Personnel, provided a history of the project.
02:09:02 PM  
Kelly Wemple, representing EUA Architects, presented information.
02:10:01 PM  

There was a discussion about the construction schedule.

02:29:23 PM  
There was a discussion about Governor's Office security.
02:33:59 PM  

There was a discussion about archaeological monitoring.

02:44:43 PM  
There was a discussion about publicity for the project.
02:49:22 PM  

There was a discussion about historic preservation approval and security.

02:58:19 PM  
The committee came
back to order.

02:59:18 PM
Motion Approve enhancements discussed in Executive Session pending State Historic Preservation Office approval.
Moved Lontine
Seconded Lois Court
Matt Becker
Georgianna Contiguglia
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Moreno Excused
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Lois Court
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:00:06 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 7, 2024, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 8, 2024, unless otherwise specified. Details