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J_CCU_2016A 09/09/2016 10:02:26 AM Committee Summary




Date: 09/09/2016
Time: 10:02 AM to 11:27 AM
Place: HCR 0112
Bob Gardner
Charley Pike
This Meeting was called to order by
Claire Levy
Anne McGihon
Donald Mielke
Thomas Grimshaw
This Report was prepared by
Thomas Morris
Patti Dahlberg
Brandon Shaffer
Anne McGihon
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
1. Public comment regarding items not on the agenda

2a. CBA status report on Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act

2b. CBA Status report on Revised Uniform Residential Landlord & Tenant Act

3. Acts considered at the 2016 annual conference but not adopted by the ULC

4a. Acts newly adopted by the Uniform Law Commission

4b. Acts previously adopted by the Uniform Law Commission

4c. Potential bill regarding the publication of official & Colorado comments

5. Other business
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Voted to acquire legal opinion regarding SB16-071

Voted to request a bill to amend the statutes

Voted to request bill drafts for certain ULC acts

2016 Sept 9 agenda.pdf2016 Sept 9 agenda.pdf

10:02 AM -- 1. Public comment regarding items not on the agenda

There was no public comment regarding items not on the agenda.

10:03 AM -- 2a. CBA status report on Uniform Commercial Real Estate Receivership Act

10:03 AM --
Charles Calvin, CBA Real Estate Section, reported that the section has continued to discuss this act and the goal is to tie things up by the end of October. The commission asked that reports, drafts, and concerns be shared with the commission and with the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) national office.

10:07 AM -- 2b. CBA Status report on Revised Uniform Residential Landlord & Tenant Act

10:07 AM --
Jean Arnold, CBA Real Estate Section, reported that the section has put together an extensive comparison chart of the act’s passage in 22 states this past year and any changes made by the states. She noted that, so far, only one state has passed the act without changes. In addition, Ms. Arnold summarized nine issues that the section may want to address. The commission thanked them for their work, asked to have a copy of the comparison chart, and requested that the CBA provide the commission with CBA positions regarding the nine issues raised.

10:19 AM -- 3. Acts considered at the 2016 annual conference but not adopted by the ULC

10:20 AM --
The commission briefly spoke about a couple of these potential uniform acts and encouraged interested parties to follow the acts' progress through the ULC process. The most recent draft language for them should become available later this fall or winter and should be accessible through the ULC drafting committees' pages.

        • Limited Liability Company Protected Series Act
        • Non-Parental Rights to Child Custody and Visitation Act
        • Directed Trusteeship Act
        • Amendments to the Uniform Parentage Act
        • Revised Uniform Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Act
        • Regulation of Virtual Currency Businesses Act
        • Criminal Records Accuracy Act

    10:23 AM -- 4a. Acts newly adopted by the Uniform Law Commission

    10:24 AM --
    The commission plans to consider all of the following for possible introduction in 2017 and invited interested parties to review the acts and share their insights with the commission.

            • Uniform Employee and Student Online Privacy Protection Act – The General Assembly passed a student privacy act in 2016 and the commission expressed some concerns that passing this Act just one year later may cause confusion. The commission requested that the Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS) staff prepare an analysis of current Colorado law and the uniform act.
            • Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act -- no comments were offered.
            • Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property ActJenifer Waller, Colorado Bankers Association, shared some of the association’s preliminary concerns with the act – additional record retention, earlier surrender of property, and third party auditors. Charles Calvin, CBA Real Estate Section, noted that when the original act was passed in Colorado, it was significantly customized and that some existing provisions unique to Colorado law should continue to be preserved.
            • Uniform Unsworn Domestic Declarations Act / Uniform Unsworn Declarations Act – The commission noted that Colorado already has a uniform unsworn foreign declarations act which is similar to these proposed acts and shared a draft showing how the acts might be combined. Colorado could choose to adopt both, only one, or combine them into one act. The commission preferred the latter approach.
            • Uniform Wage Garnishment Act – no comments were offered.
            • Amendment to the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts – The commission noted that Colorado has not adopted the original uniform law regarding notarial acts and additional research and analysis is in order before adopting any amendment.

    10:40 AM -- 4b. Acts previously adopted by the Uniform Law Commission

            • Uniform Athlete Agents Act – The commission discussed the sunrise, sunset, and Dept. of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) regulation issues from last session’s attempt to pass this act and how to address these issues for the next session. It was decided that Commissioner Steadman would request a legal opinion from the Office of Legislative Legal Services regarding the application of sunrise provisions to Senate Bill 16-071.
            • Uniform Trust Code - Steve Brainerd, CBA Trusts & Estates Section, reported that the section is working with other interested parties to address concerns and objections to the act, in particular part 5 regarding creditors' rights. They are working on solutions and hope to have draft language available by late fall. The commission thanked the section for their work and encouraged them to continue to include interested parties in discussions.

    BILL: 4b. Acts previously adopted by the Uniform Law Commission
    TIME: 10:50:15 AM
    MOVED: Commissioner Pike
    MOTION: Moved that the commission authorize the CCUSL chair to send a letter to DORA subsequent to receiving the legal opinion regarding the application of sunrise provisions to SB16-071. The motion passed without objection.
    Bob Gardner
    Charley Pike
    Claire Levy
    Donald Mielke
    Thomas Grimshaw
    Thomas Morris
    Brandon Shaffer
    Anne McGihon
    YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 4 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection

    11:02 AM -- 4c. Potential bill regarding the publication of official and Colorado comme

    Last year, the commission decided that the CCUSL policy was to publish official comments with ULC acts. The commission discussed whether it should sponsor a bill to amend the statutes to align with the commission’s policy and when it would be appropriate to publish any Colorado comments. The commission also wondered whether there was a way to be notified when adopted uniform laws were being amended by other bills.

    BILL: 4c. Potential bill regarding the publication of official & Colorado comments
    TIME: 11:13:14 AM
    MOVED: Commissioner Pike
    MOTION: Moved that a bill be drafted to amend the statutes regarding the publication of official and Colorado comments. The motion passed without objection.
    Bob Gardner
    Charley Pike
    Claire Levy
    Donald Mielke
    Thomas Grimshaw
    Thomas Morris
    Brandon Shaffer
    Anne McGihon
    YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection

    11:17 AM -- 5. Other business

    11:17 AM --
    The commission noted that there may be renewed interest in considering uniform laws regarding contaminated lands and natural resources that may prove beneficial to addressing some current concerns in Colorado. The commission decided to add this discussion to a future meeting’s agenda. The commission also decided to schedule mid-November and mid-December meetings to discuss bill drafts.

    BILL: 5. Other business
    TIME: 11:20:59 AM
    MOVED: Commissioner Steadman
    MOTION: Moved that drafts be started on the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act, Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, Uniform Unsworn Domestic Declarations/Uniform Unsworn Declarations Act, Uniform Wage Garnishment Act, Amendment to the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts, and the Revised Uniform Athlete Agents Act. The motion passed without objection.
    Bob Gardner
    Charley Pike
    Claire Levy
    Donald Mielke
    Thomas Grimshaw
    Thomas Morris
    Brandon Shaffer
    Anne McGihon
    YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 4 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection

    The 2024 Statewide Ballot Information Booklet is now online