In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, the OSA undergoes an external peer review every 3 years. The review is conducted by a team of experienced auditors from other state audit organizations and the federal government coordinated by the National State Auditors Association. The purpose of the peer review is to determine if the OSA's system of quality control has been suitably designed and complied with to provide reasonable assurance of conformance with applicable professional standards.
The OSA's Mission
To improve government for the people of Colorado.
The OSA's Why, How, and What
Why - Accountability for the use of public resources and government authority is essential to Colorado state government and the people it serves.
2016 Digest of Bills
Each year state decision-makers are tasked with balancing constitutional, statutory, and federal requirements with a host of other considerations, such as competing policy priorities, caseload growth, and the health of the state’s economy to create a budget. Although the budget is funded with a variety of revenue sources, state taxes provide a significant portion of the revenue Colorado uses to fund its operations.
Legislative Council Staff is responsible for analyzing the fiscal impact at the school district level of the school finance bill that is introduced during each legislative session.
Legislative Council Staff publishes forecasts of the Colorado and U.S. economies and state revenue each March, June, September, and December. The General assembly uses these forecasts to develop the state budget, monitor state spending in relation to revenue, and determine and report the amount of excess state revenue under TABOR.
The Legislative Council Staff prepares memoranda, issue briefs, resource books, and reports addressing topics of interest to members of the Colorado General Assembly and the public. The LCS Staff also has developed several interactive tools for exploring the state economy, tax policy, and the budget.
Legislative Council Staff publications may be accessed by publication type or by subject area below.
Law Summary: The Sunset Process: Legislative Review of Regulatory Agencies and Functions
LAW SUMMARY: Security Deposit Returns to Renters
Law Summary: The Role of Legislative Staff in the Initiative Process
Law Summary: Retail Marijuana
Law Summary: Limitation on a Homeowners’ Association’s Regulation of Homeowners’ Property Rights Within a Common Interest Community
Law Summary: Medical Marijuana
Law Summary: Colorado Open Records Act (CORA)
Law Summary: Colorado Drunk Driving Laws
Law Summary: Application of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) in HOA Communities
Applying the Rules of Professional Conduct, together with historical practices, the Office of Legislative Legal Services takes the position that the legislative lawyer maintains an attorney-client relationship with the legislature, as an organization, and not with each legislator.
- Legislation Drafting Services
- Review and Enrolling of Bills
- Publication Services
- Review of Administrative Rules
- Review of Initiatives
- Coordination of Litigation
- Legislative Records