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Colorado's K-12 Education Funding Rankings (2015)
Unmanned Aircraft System Regulation (2015)
Marijuana TABOR Refund (2015)
Distribution of Marijuana Tax Revenue (2015)
Colorado Laws Regulating Alcoholic Beverages (2015)
1332 State Innovation Waivers (2015)
Financing of Public Schools for Fiscal Year 2015-16
Medicaid Waiver Programs (Part I-Home-and Community-Based Services Medicaid Waivers for Children (2015)
Estimated Value of School Finance Factors, Including Negative Factor, FY 2015-16
Glossary of Legislative Terms (2015)
Additional At-Risk Student Funding Under SB 15-267, FY 2015-16
State Funding for Water Projects (2015)
Reengrossed Senate Bill 15-267 (FY 2015-16 Compared with FY 2014-15)
Senate Bill 15-267 as Introduced by the General Assembly (FY 2015-16 Compared with FY 2014-15)
Overview of the State Education Fund and K-12 Public School Funding (1/22/2014)
Overview of the State Education Fund and K-12 Public School Funding (2015)
Child Care Assistance and Regulation in Colorado (2015)
Higher Education Accreditation (2015)
Income Tax Checkoffs (2015)
The Executive Leadership of the House includes the Speaker, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader. They are also ex officio members of the Executive Committee of the Legislative Council along with the Executive Leadership of the Colorado Senate. The Speaker is elected by a majority vote of the House, while the Majority Leader and Minority Leader are chosen by their respective caucuses.
Cases that meet one or more of the following criteria will be summarized as Cases of Note.
Wolven v. del Rosario Velez, Colorado Court of Appeals No. 22CA2120 (January 18, 2024)
Holding: A health-care provider lien agreement is excludable from discovery and at trial pursuant to section 38-27.5-103 (2), C.R.S., if the agreement meets the requirements of sections 38-27.5-104 (1) and 38-27.5-105 (4), C.R.S., at the time the lien agreement is created.