Continue Regulation Direct-entry Midwives
- Continues the regulation of direct-entry midwives by the director of the division of professions and occupations (division) in the department for 5 years, through September 1, 2021;
- Authorizes direct-entry midwives to perform sutures of first- and second-degree perineal tears and to obtain and administer local anesthetics in connection with the sutures procedure after demonstrating to the director that the registrant has received approved education and training in suturing within the previous year;
- Requires direct-entry midwives to inform parents of the importance of and to perform, if appropriately trained and equipped, or refer to another provider to perform, newborn pulse oximetry screenings to detect critical congenital heart disease in newborns under their care;
- Repeals the requirement that the director of the division send letters of admonition to direct-entry midwives via certified mail;
- Establishes failure to properly address a physical or mental illness or condition that affects one's ability to practice direct-entry midwifery with reasonable skill and safety to clients as a grounds for disciplining a direct-entry midwife and authorizes the director to enter into a confidential agreement with the direct-entry midwife to limit his or her practice;
- Requires a direct-entry midwife to sign a disclosure statement acknowledging his or her lack of coverage under a liability insurance policy and also include in the disclosure a statement indicating that, by signing the disclosure, the client is not waiving any rights against the direct-entry midwife for negligent acts;
- Restores an exception to the definition of the 'practice of medicine' in the 'Colorado Medical Practice Act' for registered direct-entry midwives practicing in accordance with the laws governing the practice of direct-entry midwifery;
- Requires the executive director of the department to convene a working group to investigate ways to manage risks in the practice of midwifery and report its findings to the executive director by October 1, 2016; and
- Requires the director of the division to convene a task force to review direct-entry midwives' data reporting requirements and report its findings to specified legislative committees by January 31, 2017.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)