Utilize the Senate (Rerevised) version of bill for conference committee deliberations.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Item #17 (Senate Appropriation Committee Report/HA 39) - Add funding for area tech colleges of $1,178,882 General Fund and reduce the $18 million set aside for Higher Education to pay for it.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Item # 7 (HA 55/SA 14) - Strike Item 7 from the bill.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Item #13 (Senate Appropriation Committee Report/HA 9) - Add $100,000 General Fund for inmate pay.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Item # 19 (Senate Appropriation Committee Report/HA 39) - Increase $200,000 ($100,000 General Fund, $100,000 Federal Fund) for item #19. Refinance with Mental Health Treatment Services for Youth line item in Human Services by decreasing $100,000 General Fund and increasing $100,000 Marijuana Tax Cash Fund.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Vote Summary |
Item #29 (Senate Appropriations Committee Report/HA 86) - Include $275,000 General Fund for Public Safety for subsistence payments in the Division of Criminal Justice with a footnote indicating it is for first 10 days in community.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Vote Summary |
Item #31 (SA 17/HA 63) - Keep Item 31 in the Long Bill but change the amount to $1.0 million General Fund (a reduction of $4.0 million General Fund from the Senate version).
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Vote Summary |
Item #35 (SA 43) - Strike Item #35 from the Long Bill.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Item #34 (SA 34) - Strike Item #34 from the long bill which, thereby, results in retaining the funding and the 2.0 FTE in Long Bill.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Vote Summary |
Item #33 (SA 22/ HA 79) - Use the Senate version of the amendment, inclusive of the $7.0 M that was already set aside for this purpose by the JBC for balancing purposes, and include a footnote directing the funds to local school districts, BOCES, and public schools (including charter schools) to use for capital construction assistance for physical security; communication improvements; the training of school personnel and resource officers; and/or coordination with emergency response teams.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Vote Summary |
Item #36 (SA 45) - Strike Item #36 from the Long Bill.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Item #41 (SA 74) - Strike Item #41 from the Long Bill.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Item #37 (SA 48) - Clarify the footnote in the Long Bill to indicate "any rural area" not just "North Eastern Colorado".
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Item #40 (SA 65) - Strike Item #40 from the Long Bill.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Item #38 (SA 50) - Strike item #38 from the Long Bill.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Add the Arkansas Valley fire alarm system replacement capital construction project. It was the Capital Development Committee priority #21 and the Office of State Planning and Budgeting priority #7. It is $2,543,505 Capital Construction Fund in the Long Bill. A transfer of General Fund to the Capital Construction Fund will be required in H.B. 18-1340 for a like amount to provide the needed funding.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Vote Summary |
Add $300,000 Cash Fund from the Secretary of State Cash Fund for verification and initiatives in the Department of State per memo.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Add a footnote for DRIVES project roll forward in Capital portion of the Long Bill as noted in memo.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Add a footnote to the Revenue section of the Long Bill and a Request for Information to the Department of Revenue to get information from the department on severance as suggested by staff in the attached memo.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Staff write the conference committee report based on the motions made today by the conference committee and finalize the conference committee report.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
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Add the HCPF memo to bill list
This motion was withdrawn.
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Include the staff recommendations as reflected in the April 11 technical memo.
The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Vote Summary |