Colorado Youth Advisory Council Review Committee
Colorado youth advisory council - review committee - appropriation. The Colorado youth advisory council review committee (review committee) is created to review the work of the Colorado youth advisory council (council) and recommend legislation affecting Colorado youth. The review committee is comprised of the legislative members of the council, 5 nonlegislative council members who are appointed by the council, and one member of the legislative council. The 5 legislative members of the review committee serve as voting members. All other members are nonvoting members. The review committee may meet up to 3 times each interim and recommend up to 3 bills to the legislative council.
For the 2019-20 state fiscal year, the act appropriates $28,790 from the general fund to the legislative department to use as follows:
- $18,455 for use by legislative council staff;
- $6,889 for use by the committee on legal services; and
- $3,446 for use by the general assembly.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)