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Behavioral Health Administration

Concerning the creation of the behavioral health administration, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.
2022 Regular Session
Human Services
Bill Summary

The act creates the behavioral health administration (BHA) in the department of human services (department) to create a coordinated, cohesive, and effective behavioral health system in the state. The BHA will handle most of the behavioral health programs that were previously handled by the office of behavioral health in the department. The act establishes a commissioner as the head of the BHA and authorizes the commissioner and state board of human services to adopt and amend rules that previously were promulgated by the executive director of the department.

By July 1, 2024, the act requires the BHA to establish:

  • A statewide behavioral health grievance system;
  • A behavioral health performance monitoring system;
  • A comprehensive behavioral health safety net system;
  • Regionally-based behavioral health administrative service organizations;
  • The BHA as the licensing authority for all behavioral health entities; and
  • The BHA advisory council to provide feedback to the BHA on the behavioral health system in the state.

The act transfers to the department of public health and environment responsibility for community prevention and early intervention programs previously administered by the department.

The act makes extensive conforming amendments.

The act appropriates from the general fund to the department:

  • $671,538 for use by the executive director's office;
  • $542,470 for administration and finance; and
  • $2,495,231 for use by the behavioral health administration;

The act makes various adjustments to the 2022 general appropriations act for the department, the department of public health and environment, and the legislative department.

The act appropriates to the department of public health and environment $638,608 for use by the prevention services division of which $48,111 is from the general fund and $590,497 is from the marijuana tax cash fund.

The act appropriates to the department of public health and environment:

  • From reappropriated federal funds $8,181,248 for use by the prevention services division;
  • From the marijuana tax cash fund $18,127 for administration; and
  • From the general fund $11,846 for use by administration and support.

The act appropriates from the general fund to the department of health care policy and financing, $246,399 for use by the executive director's office.

The act appropriates from the division of insurance cash fund $142,766 to the department of regulatory agencies for use by the division of insurance.

(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)


Became Law


Bill Text

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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