Labeling Gas-Fueled Stoves
The bill requires a wholesaler or supplier of a new gas-fueled stove (stove) to, prior to selling a stove to a consumer in the state, affix an adhesive label to the stove with the phrase "This appliance should be ventilated to the exterior when in use."
Before transacting an online sale of a stove to an address in the state, a wholesaler or supplier is required to post the same phrase on the internet website where the online sale occurs.
The bill specifies that a violation of the requirements of the bill is a deceptive trade practice under the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act".
(Note: Italicized words indicate new material added to the original summary; dashes through words indicate deletions from the original summary.)
(Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)