Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act
The bill consolidates damages provisions for individuals with disabilities who experience an unfair housing practice, discrimination in places of public accommodation, or a violation of their civil rights with the general protections under the Colorado anti-discrimination act (CADA) for all protected classes. With the consolidation of these provisions, the allowable remedies under CADA include a court order requiring compliance with the applicable section of CADA, actual monetary damages, attorney fees and costs, damages for noneconomic loss or injury, and a statutory fine of $5,000 per aggrieved party and per violation. An award of damages for noneconomic loss or injury is capped at $50,000, and if a defendant is a small business, it is entitled to a 50% reduction of a noneconomic loss or injury award if it corrects the violation within 30 days of the complaint being filed and did not knowingly or intentionally make or cause to be made the violation.
The bill also extends the deadline for filing a charge with the Colorado civil rights commission alleging discrimination in places of public accommodation or discriminatory advertising from 60 days to one year after the alleged discriminatory act occurred.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)