Social Media Tools for Minor Users & Parents
Concerning tools to protect minor users of social media.
2025 Regular Session
Bill Summary
Children & Domestic Matters
Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
The bill establishes certain requirements for social media companies and social media platforms in order to protect Colorado minor users. Specifically, the bill:
- Relocates, with amendments, certain language requiring a social media platform to include a function that provides minor users information about their engagement in social media, which language was enacted in 2024 by House Bill 24-1136;
- Requires a social media company to implement an age assurance system to determine whether a current or prospective Colorado user on the social media company's social media platform is a minor;
- Requires a social media company to provide tools and settings for a minor user to control their own experience using a social media platform;
- Requires a social media company to provide tools and settings for parents to support a minor user of a social media platform;
- Specifies minimum capabilities for the tools and settings;
- Requires a social media company to take additional specific measures to maximize the privacy and security of minor users;
- Prohibits a social media platform from leading or encouraging a minor or parent to provide personal information, provide consent, disable safeguards or parental tools, or forgo privacy or security protections using a mechanism or interface that is designed to substantially subvert or impair, or that is manipulated with the effect of substantially subverting or impairing, user autonomy, decision-making, or choice;
- Deems the use of a design, algorithm, or feature to increase, sustain, or extend a minor user's engagement with, or use of, a social media platform to be processing that presents a heightened risk of harm to minors, as defined in existing law, and therefore subject to certain data analysis requirements; and
- Authorizes the attorney general to adopt rules to implement the bill.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)