Transmission Lines in State Highway Rights-of-Way
The bill allows a transmission developer to locate high voltage transmission lines within a state highway right-of-way, according to a process developed by rule by the department of transportation (department). The department may impose surcharges on a transmission developer for its co-location of high voltage lines in a state highway right-of-way, including a one-time surcharge to cover the costs of a permit for the use of the state highway right-of-way and an annual use surcharge. Upon the request of a transmission developer, the department is required to provide to the transmission developer the best available information on potential future state highway development projects that could impact the placement of a high voltage line within a state highway right-of-way. In assessing potential sites for the placement of high voltage lines, a transmission developer is required to consider development sites in the following order of priority: First, existing utility corridors; second, state highway rights-of-way; and last, new utility corridors.
The bill also requires the Colorado energy office and the Colorado electric transmission authority, through a public-private partnership and in collaboration with the department, the Colorado public utilities commission, and other state agencies, to study state highway corridors to identify potential corridors that may be suitable for high voltage transmission line development.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)