Workers' Compensation Benefits Proof of Entitlement
In a dispute in a workers' compensation claim, current law requires a claimant to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, the claimant's entitlement to medical benefits. When the dispute concerns whether the medical treatment recommended by an authorized treating physician is reasonable, necessary, and related to the claimant's injury, the bill shifts the burden of proof from the claimant to the claimant's employer or the employer's workers' compensation insurer.
The bill provides injured workers control over the selection of their primary treating physician in workers' compensation cases, allowing them to choose from any level I or level II accredited physician through the division of workers' compensation. The bill creates the mechanism by which an injured worker may select the treating physician and requires the employer or insurer to choose the physician when an injured worker is unable or unwilling to select the treating physician.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)