Colorado Department Of Labor And Employment Unemployment Insurance Division Enterprise
The act requires the executive director of the department of labor and employment (executive director), in partnership with the director of the division of unemployment insurance, the office of the governor, and either the new American advisor in the department or the director of the office of new Americans (ONA), if established, to study the feasibility of establishing a contract with a nonprofit, third-party entity to administer a wage replacement program for individuals who are unemployed through no fault of their own and who are ineligible for regular unemployment benefits due to their immigration status. The executive director and the new American advisor or director of the ONA are required to submit recommendations to the governor and to the senate business, labor, and technology committee and the house of representatives business affairs and labor committee.
$75,000 is appropriated to the department of labor and employment for the wage replacement program study.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)