Continue Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board
The act requires the domestic violence fatality review board (review board) to:
- Provide technical assistance and training to local governments to help establish and maintain a review team and provide technical assistance and training to existing review teams;
- Pursue and implement any recommendations pertaining to improving communication and information-sharing between public and private organizations and agencies as to domestic violence incidents and risk, reducing the incidence of domestic violence and domestic violence fatalities in the state, and improving responses to domestic violence incidents;
- Provide any necessary coordination between local governments and organizations to assist with domestic violence prevention and responses to fatalities;
- Make a recommendation in its 2022 annual written report whether and how diversity, equity, and inclusion training could be provided for individuals who provide initial call response functions and could be provided for local boards that may conduct a fatality review to create greater trust between local agencies and victims of domestic violence;
- Coordinate with stakeholders to develop best practices for collecting data on domestic violence-related fatalities;
- Coordinate to implement effective information-sharing related to identified domestic violence fatalities;
- Perform outreach to local governments and organizations to promote the development of local review teams; and
- Prioritize development and support of local review teams in underserved and rural communities.
The review board is set to repeal on September 1, 2022. The act extends the repeal to September 1, 2027, and requires a sunset review prior to the repeal. The act also repeals the review board's associated cash fund. The act appropriates $43,350 to the department of law from the general fund to implement the act. The act decreases the cash fund appropriation from the Colorado domestic violence review board cash fund in the 2022 general appropriations act to the department of law for use by the office of community engagement by $2,500.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)