Colorado Fostering Success Voucher Program
The act establishes the Colorado fostering success voucher program (program) in the department of human services (DHS). The purpose of the program is to provide housing vouchers and case management services to eligible youth.
Case management service agencies are eligible to participate in the program if they are currently participating in a certain type of foster youth program.
Eligibility criteria for youth include:
- Being at least 18 years of age but less than 26 years of age;
- Having had prior experience in one of several ways with the foster care or kinship care system;
- Experiencing homelessness or being at imminent risk of homelessness and agreeing to receive case management services;
- Being a Colorado resident; and
- Having an income level below that determined by the state department of local affairs (DOLA).
DHS and DOLA shall develop a joint administration and implementation plan for the program. Availability, standards, and services for the program are listed in the act.
For the 2023-24 state fiscal year, $2,674,677 is appropriated from the general fund to the department of human services for use by the division of child welfare. The division may use this appropriation for preventing youth homelessness and implementation of this act. For the 2023-24 state fiscal year, the general assembly anticipates that the department of human services will receive $22,096 in federal funds for use by the division of child welfare to implement this act.
APPROVED by Governor June 5, 2023
EFFECTIVE June 5, 2023
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)