Nuclear Workforce Development & Education Program
The bill creates the Colorado nuclear workforce development and education program (program) in the department of higher education (department) to help meet growing workforce demand in the nuclear energy sector. The bill establishes a related grant program to provide grants to institutions of higher education for the development or expansion of nuclear engineering degree or certificate programs or course offerings. The Colorado nuclear workforce development and education council shall advise and assist the department regarding the grant program's implementation and evaluation.
The department may seek, accept, and expend gifts, grants, and donations for program-related purposes. The state treasurer shall credit the gifts, grants, and donations to the Colorado workforce development and education cash fund (cash fund). The general assembly shall not appropriate general fund dollars to implement or maintain program operations or grant awards. The department shall begin awarding grants only after the balance of the cash fund reaches or exceeds $500,000.
The bill imposes requirements to report to the general assembly about the program's implementation and use of funds. The bill repeals the program, effective September 1, 2032, unless the program is extended pursuant to a sunset review.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)