Sunset Outfitters & Guides
- Sections 1 and 2 of the bill continue the regulation of outfitters and guides for 9 years, until 2034;
- Sections 3 and 4 allow the director of the division to take disciplinary action against an owner of an outfitter entity regardless of the owner's ownership share percentage;
- Section 5 credits one-half of the money that is collected as fines to the general fund rather than to the division;
- Section 6 exempts motor carriers and third-party booking agencies from regulation under the outfitters act; and
- Sections 4 and 7 add provisions prohibiting an individual from working as a guide or receiving or renewing a registration as an outfitter if the individual has a license or registration suspended by the division of parks and wildlife or by an agency of any member state of the "Wildlife Violator Compact" for a violation of a law concerning wildlife.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)