00262C9A4B4D557F87258744005464E7 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For INTRODUCTORY REMARKSJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE COUNCILDate Sep 2, 2021 Location Old State Library Introductory Remarks - Committee Discussion Only 09:21:54 AM President Garcia called the meeting to order. Natalie Mullis, Director, Legislative Council Staff, provided an overview of the 2021 Ballot Information Booklet process, including the Booklet drafts and public comments. The Legislative Council Staff drafts, staff contacts, written comments submitted by the public, interested persons mailing list, and the text of each measure can be found on the Legislative Council Staff website here: http://leg.colorado.gov/BallotAnalysis. 09:29:25 AM Director Mullis responded to committee questions.