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039FFE29F704700F8725850D00750AF9 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 13, 2020      
Location LSB B

SB20-119 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole

02:18:29 PM  

Senator Ginal, bill sponsor, presented Senate Bill 20-119.  This bill authorizes the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to expand the Canadian Drug Importation Program to allow drug importation from a nation other than Canada, conditional upon the enactment of federal legislation permitting states to do so.  Senator Ginal distributed a handout (Attachment F).

02:23:28 PM  

Senator Ginal responded to questions.

02:28:06 PM  

Kim Bimestefer, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), testified in support of the bill and responded to questions.

02:34:30 PM  

Kelly Swartzendruber, HCPF,  responded to questions.

02:48:42 PM  

Committee questions and discussion continued.

02:56:06 PM  

Jennifer Roberts, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, testified in support of the bill.

02:58:28 PM  

Erin Hackett read the testimony of Ali Schoer, representing herself, against the bill (Attachment G).

03:01:37 PM  

Emily Roberts, Colorado Bio Science Association, testified against the bill and distributed a handout (Attachment H).

03:05:03 PM  

The witnesses responded to questions.

03:08:52 PM  

Scott Pocsik, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, testified against the bill and responded to questions.

03:14:12 PM  

Leigh Seeger, Jefferson County Business Resource Center, testified against the bill. Ms. Seeger responded to questions.

03:20:03 PM  

Milton Tyrrell, Partnership for Safe Medicines, testified against the bill.

03:23:49 PM  

Shabbir Safdar, Partnership for Safe Medicines, testified in against the bill. The witness panel responded to questions.

03:35:38 PM  

Leah Lindahl, Healthcare Distribution Alliance, testified against the bill.

03:37:44 PM  

Lauren Masias, Colorado Competitive Council, testified against the bill.

03:39:53 PM  

Katelin Lucariello, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, testified against the bill.

03:45:01 PM  

Dr. Shirley Leow, AARP Colorado, testified in support of the bill and distributed a handout (Attachment I).

03:49:19 PM  

Virginia Gebhart, Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care, testified in support of the bill.

03:51:55 PM  

Diane Robinson, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.

03:54:37 PM  

Jeanette Hensley, Colorado Senior Lobby, testified in support of the bill. The witnesses responded to questions.

04:04:15 PM  

Senator Fields recessed the committee.

04:04:33 PM  

Senator Fields reconvened the meeting.

04:08:23 PM  

Senator Smallwood discussed amendment L.001 (Attachment J).  Committee discussion followed.

04:16:40 PM  

Ms. Lucariello came to the table and responded to questions.

04:32:13 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment J).
Moved Smallwood
Crowder No
Ginal No
Smallwood Yes
Winter No
Fields No
YES: 1   NO: 4   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
04:32:18 PM  

Committee discussion followed.

04:33:53 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 20-119 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Ginal
Crowder No
Ginal Yes
Smallwood No
Winter Yes
Fields Yes
Final YES: 3   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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