03B3540459B1AD228725839A0073899B Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2019A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For HB19-1153HOUSE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONDate Feb 7, 2019 Location HCR 0107 HB19-1153 - Referred to House Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name Attachment C - Can be viewed at Legislative Council. http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2019A/commsumm.nsf/0/81C18583CCB2...$File/?OpenElement 02:02:03 PM Representatives Wilson and McCluskie, co-prime sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1153, concerning measures to enable local district colleges to serve more students. The bill modifies the role and mission of Colorado Mountain College (CMC) and allows the Colorado Commission on Higher Education to consider recommending adjustments to state grants to local district colleges. 02:10:37 PM Representatives Wilson and McCluskie responded to questions from the committee regarding the reason CMC is currently limited to five baccalaureate degrees. 02:13:28 PM Matt Gianneschi, CMC, testified in support of the bill and distributed information about CMC (Attachment C). He discussed the tuition rate and funding sources for CMC. 02:17:22 PM Stephanie Beste, representing herself as a CMC student, testified in support of the bill. 02:20:17 PM Flor Cruz, representing herself as a CMC student, testified in support of the bill. 02:23:28 PM Patrick Boyle, Vail Health, testified in support of the bill. 02:24:28 PM Dr. Gianneschi responded to questions from the committee about grant funding for CMC and the annexation process of school districts into a local district college, such as CMC. 02:29:06 PM Representative McCluskie and Wilson made concluding comments on the bill, and members of the committee discussed the bill. 02:34:02 PM Motion Refer House Bill 19-1153 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Wilson Seconded McCluskie Baisley Yes Buckner Yes Coleman Yes Cutter Yes Exum Yes Geitner Yes Landgraf Yes Larson Yes McCluskie Yes Michaelson Jenet Yes Wilson Yes Buentello Yes McLachlan Yes Final YES: 13 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS