0D5CFC3E49C114BF8725873D006E87F5 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For WILDFIRE RESPONSE AND RECOVERYJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL & JBCDate Aug 26, 2021 Location Old State Library Wildfire Response and Recovery - Committee Discussion Only 02:07:22 PM Stan Hilkey, Executive Director, Department of Public Safety, and Mike Morgan, Director, Division of Fire Prevention and Control, presented on wildfire conditions and the wildfire season preparedness plan. A copy of the presentation may be accessed here: http://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/governors_hb_20-1426_briefing_8-26-21.pdf. Kevin Klein, Director, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and presented on drought conditions in Colorado, and the status of the drought plan. He discussed wildfire recovery efforts. 02:15:42 PM Angela Boag, Department of Natural Resources, discussed watershed recovery funding and wildfire mitigation funding. Director Klein summarized hazard mitigation work and funding. The presenters responded to committee questions regarding building and fire codes. 02:37:36 PM Shoshana Lew, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), provided an update on the Glenwood Canyon mud slides and closures and collaboration with federal agencies. Chief Matt Packard, Colorado State Patrol, discussed rerouting due to the closure of I-70. Director Klein presented on recovery of the Glenwood Canyon disaster area. The presenters responded to committee questions regarding resiliency plans for the affected area, supply routes, and CDOT emergency funding for disasters.