1009284FFD41763E872587CF00711547 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For PRESENTATION FROM THE STATEWIDE INTERNET PORTAL AUTHORITY (SIPA)JOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEDate Jan 19, 2022 Location SCR 352 Presentation from the Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA) - Committee Discussion Only 01:35:11 PM Ajay Bagal, Executive Director of the Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA), presented the agenda for SIPA's presentation. The presentation can be found here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/2022_jtc_sipa_presentation_final.pdf 01:38:55 PM Mr. Bagal gave an overview of the SIPA statute (C.R.S. 24-37.7-101). 01:39:50 PM Mr. Bagal gave an overview of SIPA's Board of Directors, as well as an overview of SIPA's functions, duties, and customer base. He also outlined the scope of SIPA's services across the state. Mr. Bagal also highlighted the increased number of entities that SIPA serves year over year. 01:47:00 PM Mr. Bagal outlined SIPA's business model. He also explained how SIPA is an "authority", not an agency. He went on to highlight SIPA's collaboration with the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT). Members of the committee then asked about SIPA's reach within municipalities. 01:57:03 PM Mr. Bagal went over SIPA's technology profile. He also spoke about SIPA's desire for increased visibility and brand recognition in an effort to provide their services to a broader range of customers. 02:00:34 PM Members of the committee asked about accessibility. 02:00:55 PM Jerrod Roth, Chief Technology Officer of SIPA, spoke about the accessibility of SIPA's services. Dr. Catherine Kunst, Chief Operating Officer of SIPA, also spoke about the accesibility of SIPA's services. 02:04:52 PM Mr. Bagal went on to discuss SIPA's payment processing protections. He then highlighted some of the awards that SIPA received in 2021 for their services. 02:14:03 PM Mr. Bagal spoke about SIPA's micro-grant program and the benefits of the program. He then went on to speak about the Colorado Cybersecurity Opportunity, created by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.