199BCDC3E759460F87258A14006F914F Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For COLORADO RIVER UPDATEJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON WATER RESOURCES AND AGRICULTURE REVIEW COMMITTEEDate Aug 23, 2023 Location Off-site Colorado River Update - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment A http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/9D709757315E...$File/Attachment A - UCRC Water Conservation Efforts .pdf?OpenElement Attachment A - UCRC Water Conservation Efforts .pdf Attachment B http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/EA0FC333B853...$File/Attachment B - Colorado River Basin Flows.pdf?OpenElement Attachment B - Colorado River Basin Flows.pdf Attachment C http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/6FF282E8B24E...$File/Attachment C - Colorado's Post-2026 Principles.pdf?OpenElement Attachment C - Colorado's Post-2026 Principles.pdf 02:19:05 PM Amy Ostdiek, Colorado Water Conservation Board, introduced herself and discussed the Colorado River Compact. She spoke about the importance of the compact, what the compact entails, and the relationship between the Upper Basin and Lower Basin states. 02:24:37 PM Rebecca Mitchell, Colorado Commissioner to the Upper Colorado River Commission, spoke about the various processes for addressing issues on the Colorado River. She told the committee about her role and how she advocates for Colorado, the use of the river in the lower basin, and the hydrology of the river. She also disccused efforts to keep Colorado from needing to curtail water under the compact, the water rights held by tribes, and the coordination between the state and the federal government. 02:36:14 PM Commissioner Mitchell continued to talk about how the General Assembly has invested in staff focused on the Colorado River and how that staff is working on Colorado River issues across the state. 02:38:39 PM Chuck Collum, Executive Director, UCRC, introduced himself and spoke about his background working on the Colorado River. He told the committee about the makeup of the UCRC, which includes representatives from each of the Upper Basin states. He told the committee about how the four states interact with each other, and the requirements of the Upper Basin states as outlined in the Colorado River Compact. 02:44:58 PM Mr. Collum continued to discuss the strengths of the Upper Basin states when it comes to managing the water available in the Colorado River. He directed the committee to the handouts provided (Attachments A-C) and discussed the variance in water usage displayed in the handout graphics. He told the committee about the water conservation programs that exist in the Upper Basin. 02:50:24 PM Commissioner Mitchell answered a question about the current interim operating guidelines in place on the river and what happens when the guidelines expire in 2026. Mr. Collum answered a question about the drought response. 02:57:19 PM Discussion regarding drought response continued. 03:02:45 PM Commissioner Mitchell answered questions about system conservation in the basin. 03:04:28 PM Mr. Collum spoke about the tools that can be used to be more water efficient, including drip irrigation and turf replacements. 03:10:36 PM Commissioner Mitchell spoke about how conservation and water rights interact.