2B9DEE65C3DA382D8725887E006B9455 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For GENERAL DISCUSSION OF COLORADO USE TAXESINTERIM COMMITTEE SALES AND USE TAX SIMPLIFICATION TASK FORCEDate Jul 13, 2022 Location Old State Library General Discussion of Colorado Use Taxes - Committee Discussion Only 01:35:05 PM Josh Pens, Department of Revenue, presented an overview of use taxes. 01:42:29 PM Mr. Pens responded to questions regarding use taxes. 01:48:31 PM Meghan Dollar, Colorado Municipal League (CML), presented on use taxes. A copy of the presentation slides can be found here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/cml_presentation_on_... 01:55:29 PM Ms. Dollar responded to questions from the task force. 01:57:25 PM Monica Colbert Burton, Rocky Mountain Mechanical Contractors Association and the Coalition to Simplify Colorado's Sales Tax, provided an overview of the state's use taxes. The handout provided by Ms. Burton to the task force can be found here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/simplify_fact_sheet_july2022_002.pdf 02:00:23 PM Connie Zoerink, TaxOps.com, provided an overview of use taxes. 02:10:19 PM Matthew Groves, Colorado Automobile Dealers Association, provided an overview of use taxes for motor vehicles. 02:16:49 PM Mr. Groves responded to questions from the task force.