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406D45EA37E80836872582580072B048 Hearing Summary


Date Mar 22, 2018      
Location SCR 357

HB18-1093 - Referred to Senate Appropriations

02:52:43 PM  
Senator Coram, prime sponsor, discussed the provisions of House Bill18-1093 concerning reclaimed water use for edible crops.This bill codifies rules promulgated by the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) within the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) related to the allowable uses of reclaimed domestic wastewater, and expands allowable uses to include irrigation of food crops. In addition, the bill defines three categories of water quality standards. The bill clarifies that a food crop is a crop produced for direct human consumption or a tree that produces nuts or fruit intended for human consumption. Food crops do not include those produced for animal consumption only, unless they are produced where lactating dairy animals forage. Reclaimed wastewater may only be used for food crop irrigation if it meets the water quality standards for commercial crops under the federal Food and Drug Administration Food Safety Modernization Act. The WQCC may promulgate rules related to reclaimed wastewater on or before December 31, 2019.

The chair closed testimony and Senator Coram closed his remarks on the bill.

02:53:50 PM  
Tim Craft, Craft Companies, spoke in support of the bill and discussed a water reclamation project his company is working on in Elbert County.
02:55:07 PM  
Dave Tekeda, representing himself, spoke
in support of the bill and responded to questions from the committee concerning
the salinity of treated water.
02:56:24 PM  
Shannon Spurlock, Denver Urban Gardens,
spoke in support of the bill.
02:58:57 PM  
Bid Midcap, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, spoke in support of the bill.
03:03:07 PM  
Dawn Thilmany, Colorado State University, spoke in support of the bill and discussed educational outreach the university provides to Colorado farmers.
03:05:30 PM  
Chris Piper, Denver Water, Colorado Water Congress, spoke in support of the bill.
03:07:20 PM  
Alex Funk, National Young Farmers Coalition, spoke in support of the bill.
03:09:08 PM  
Carlyle Currier, Colorado Farm Bureau, spoke in support of the bill.
03:10:47 PM  
Julie George, Livewell Colorado, spoke in support of the bill.

03:13:51 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 18-1093 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Coram
Cooke Yes
Coram Yes
Donovan Excused
Fenberg Yes
Fields Yes
Garcia Excused
Kerr Yes
Marble Yes
Scott Excused
Baumgardner Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Final YES: 8   NO: 0   EXC: 3   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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