42C20AE41F3C88D787258B120004876E Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For SB24-064HOUSE COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARYDate May 2, 2024 Location HCR 0107 SB24-064 - Referred to House Appropriations 06:49:31 PM Representatives Jodeh and Bird, prime sponsors, presented Senate Bill 24-064, concerning requiring the Judicial Department to make residential eviction-related information available to the public. Representative Jodeh explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. Representative Bird provided backbround on the bill's provenance, and spoke further to the bill's merits. Discussion ensued regarding the bill's potential separation of powers implications. 06:54:47 PM Kinsey Hasstedt, representing Enterprise Community Partners, testified in support of the bill. Sarah Barnes, representing Colorado Children's Campaign, testified in support of the bill. Melissa Mejia, representing Community Economic Defense Project, testified in support of the bill. Discussion ensued regarding the scope of SB 24-064, and what is done with the data gathered under the bill. Discussion followed regarding confidentiality protections for the data gathered under the bill. 07:09:03 PM No amendments were offered to SB 24-064. Representatives Bird and Jodeh provided closing remarks in support of the bill. Representative Weissman weighed in on the bill. 07:12:12 PM Motion Refer Senate Bill 24-064 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Bacon Seconded Garcia Amabile Yes Armagost No Garcia Yes Herod Yes Lukens Yes Lynch No Mabrey Excused Snyder Yes Soper No Bacon Yes Weissman Yes Final YES: 7 NO: 3 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS