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47D742AD72CCE45987258218005C3B31 Hearing Summary


Date Jan 17, 2018      
Location SCR 352

Conf 18-Colorado Mesa University Board Of Trustees - Favorably Refer to Full Senate

09:47:26 AM  

Senator Hill, chair, called the meeting to order.  Tim Foster, President of Colorado Mesa University (Mesa), came to the table and introduced the appointees and reappointee to the board of trustees: Stephanie Motter, Raymond Anilionis, and Robert Wilson. Copies of the Governor's appointment letter and appointees' applications and resumes were distributed to the committee [Attachment A].

09:49:00 AM  

President Foster provided background information about Mesa.  He told the committee that Mesa has the only Board of Cooperative Educational Services between a K-12 system and institution of higher education.  He eplained that Mesa has a community college component, undergraduate degree programs, and graduate-level programs.  The committee discussed the school's funding structure.

09:57:37 AM  

President Foster continued his presentation by discussing challenges faced by the school as well as the success of several programs.  He told the committee that both he and the board of trustees also preside over Western Colorado Community College.  President Foster answered questions from the committee.

10:07:14 AM  

Ms. Motter, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Anilionis took turns introducing themselves to the committee and talking about their personal, educational, and professional backgrounds, as well as why they would like to be appointed or reappointed to the board.

10:15:04 AM
Motion Refer the appointments of Raymond Anilionis and Stephanie Motter and the reappointment of Robert Wilson, to the Colorado Mesa University Board Of Trustees to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Priola
Gardner Excused
Merrifield Yes
Neville T. Yes
Todd Yes
Zenzinger Yes
Priola Yes
Hill Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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