Representatives Herod and Soper, prime sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1225, concerning prohibiting the use of monetary bail for certain levels of offenses except in certain circumstances. Representative Herod explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. Representative Soper provided additional input on the merits of the legislation. The following persons testified regarding HB 19-1225:
Ms. Megan Dollar, representing the Colorado Municipal League, testified in opposition to the bill. She explained that the passage of an amendment would remove this opposition. Ms. Dollar cited some constitutional concerns.
Judge Robert Frick, representing the Colorado Municipal Judge Association, testified on the bill. Judge Frick discussed pretrial services, and the role of the court in pretrial detention.
Judge Carrie Clein, representing the Colorado Municipal Judge Association, testified on the bill. Judge Clein discussed dockets that municipal judges face, and the potential loss of court discretion in bail reform. Discussion ensued regarding Judge Clein's concerns. Judge Frick responded to various committee questions.