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4BB2F73D2D34F9E887258ABB007ECB26 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 6, 2024      
Location HCR 0109

Workplace Harassment - Committee Discussion Only

04:05:08 PM  
Speaker McCluskie,
Chair, called the meeting to order. Ed DeCecco, Director, Office of Legislative
Legal Services, explained the joint resolution to amend Joint Rule 38 and
a bill request to harmonize Senate Bill 23-172 and Senate Bill 23-286.

04:08:06 PM
Motion Move to approve the introduction of a joint resolution to be introduced in the Senate to amend Joint Rule 38, as proposed by staff, to implement changes related to SB23-172 and SB23-286, to the workplace expectations policy provision, and to make technical corrections in the rule.
Moved Fenberg
Seconded Duran
Duran Yes
Lundeen Yes
Pugliese Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Fenberg Yes
McCluskie Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
04:08:14 PM  
The committee agreed
that the resolution sponsors in the Senate will be President Fenberg and
Minority Leader Lundeen as co-prime sponsors and Majority Leader Rodriguez
as co-sponsor. In the House, Speaker McCluskie and Minority Leader Pugliese
will be co-prime sponsors and Majority Leader Duran will be co-sponsor.

04:09:52 PM
Motion Move to approve the introduction of a bill to be introduced in the Senate to implement changes proposed by staff to harmonize SB23-172 and SB23-286 and to designate the Office of Legislative Workplace Relations as the repository for the legislative department of records of discriminatory or unfair employment complaints.
Moved Fenberg
Seconded Duran
Duran Yes
Lundeen Yes
Pugliese Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Fenberg Yes
McCluskie Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
04:09:53 PM  
The committee agreed
that the bill sponsors in the Senate will be President Fenberg and Minority
Leader Lundeen as co-prime sponsors and Majority Leader Rodriguez as co-sponsor.
In the House, Speaker McCluskie and Minority Leader Pugliese will be co-prime
sponsors and Majority Leader Duran will be co-sponsor.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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