4FED2B080B29B352872587D40060E189 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For FY 2022-23 DEPT. OF STATE R-03 OPERATING BUDGET REQUEST: MONEY-IN-POLITICS DISCLOSURE SYSTEMJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEDate Jan 24, 2022 Location SCR 352 FY 2022-23 Dept. of State R-03 Operating Budget Request: Money-in-Politics Disclosure System - Committee Discussion Only 10:38:27 AM John Magnino, Director of Government and Public Affairs, Stephen Bouey, Campaign Finance and Lobby Program Manager, and Trevor Timmons, Chief Information Officer, presented on behalf of the Department of State in regard to FY2022-23 R-03 operating budget request. The presentation can be found here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/cdos_-_tracer_lobby_joint_technology_committee_presentation_01.23.22.pdf 10:39:34 AM Mr. Bouey gave an overview of the department's request. Mr. Magnino then continued with the overview of the department's request, and what it entails. 10:42:59 AM Mr. Bouey provided the committee with an explanation of why the department believes the request is necessary. Mr. Magnino then continued to explain the goals of the new system that would be created if the request is approved. 10:45:55 AM Mr. Timmons explained to the committee what the existing gaps in the current systems are, and how the new system could fill those gaps. Mr. Magnino then went on to explain what the next steps for the department's system will look like, pending the approval of the budget request. 10:49:15 AM Members of the committee asked the presenters about how these new systems would interact with cloud technology. Members also inquired about how this request will impact the 2024 election cycle, and if there is a "plan b" if this new system is not set up and implemented in time. 10:54:42 AM Members of the committee inquired about the accessibility of the new system, and how user-friendly it will be. Members also inquired about who the user test group for the new system will be. Members also specified that they would like to see the user test group consist of members of the public, in an effort to assess the accessibility and ease of use of the new system. Mr. Timmons went on to explain the testing process. The committee requested information on the cost for additional user testing. 11:01:27 AM Members of the committee commented on improving the interface of the software system. 11:03:04 AM Members of the committee inquired about improving the donation uploading process under the new system. Members also expressed a desire for a more frequent reporting system, as opposed to the current quarterly reporting.