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52EC386644510F3787258C4C0080090E Hearing Summary


Date Mar 13, 2025      
Location Old State Library

SB25-005 - Referred to House Appropriations

05:18:40 PM  
The committee took
a recess.
05:32:15 PM  
The committee came back to order. Assistant Majority Leader Bacon and Representative Mabrey, co-prime sponsors, presented Senate Bill 005: Worker Protection Collective Bargaining. The bill eliminates the requirement for employees to conduct a second election to negotiate a union security agreement clause in the collective bargaining process.
05:54:27 PM  
The bill sponsors answered questions from committee members.
05:54:49 PM  
Richard Rosenblatt,
representing AFL- CIO , testified in support of the bill. Karli McClure,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Terri Monley,
representing Gate City Moving, testified in support of the bill. Sophie
Mariam, representing the Colorado Fiscal Institute, testified in support
of the bill.
06:14:43 PM  
Mr. Michael  Gifford,
representing AGC Colorado, testified in opposition to the bill. Sonia Riggs,
representing Colorado Restaurant Association, testified in opposition to
the bill. Mr. Jack Tatar, representing ABC Rocky Mountain, testified in
opposition to the bill. Ben Aste, representing Northern Colorado Legislative
Alliance - Uncle Benny's Building Supply, testified in opposition to the

The panel responded
to questions from the committee.
06:30:18 PM  
Mr. Michael Ford,
representing Driver's Cooperative Colorado, testified in support of the
bill. Sean Chase, representing Denver Art Museum Workers United (AFSCME-CWU),
testified in support of the bill. Mr. Bryant Preston, representing the
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, testified in support
of the bill. Ms. Portia Prescott, representing the Rocky Mountain NAACP
CO-MT-WY State Conference, testified in support of the bill.
06:37:45 PM  
Ms. Katherine Mulready,
representing the Colorado Hospital Association, testified in opposition
to the bill. Ms. Debbie Brown, representing The Colorado Business Roundtable,
testified in opposition to the bill. Michael Smith, representing the National
Federation of Independent Business, testified in opposition to the bill.

The panel answered questions from the committee.

06:44:36 PM  
Michelle Lanzarone,
representing CWA Local 7777, testified in support of the bill. Madison
Cassels, representing CWA, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Tammy
Munoz, representing Teamsters Local 455, testified in support of the bill.
Ms. Justice Wilson, representing themself, testified in support of the

The panel answered questions from members of the committee.

07:00:44 PM  
Mr. Jeff Thormodsgaard,
representing Colorado Springs Chamber and EDC, testified in opposition
to the bill. Ms. Loren Furman, representing the Colorado Chamber of Commerce,
testified in opposition to the bill. Ms. Jamie Chavez, representing the
Westminster Chamber of Commerce, testified in opposition to the bill. Jeff
Keener, representing South Metro Denver Chamber, testified in opposition
to the bill.

The panel answered
questions from members of the committee.
07:15:48 PM  
Ms. Stephanie Felix-Sowy,
representing SEIU Local 105, testified in support of the bill. Jesse Thornton,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Mayra  Juarez-Denis,
representing Centro de los Trabajadores - Colorado, testified in support
of the bill. Julian Temianka, representing Colorado Peoples Alliance, testified
in support of the bill.
07:22:16 PM  
Rachel Beck, representing
Colorado Competitive Council, testified in opposition to the bill. Tony
Milo, representing Colorado Contractors Association, testified in opposition
to the bill. Natalie Menten, representing themself, testified in opposition
to the bill. Carly West, representing the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce,
testified in opposition to the bill. Brittany Dixon, representing Club
20, testified in opposition to the bill.

The panel answered
questions from members of the committee.
07:36:21 PM  
Jeremey Ross, representing
IBEW 111, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Michelle Mendenhall, representing
themself, testified in support of the bill. Dennis Dougherty, representing
AFL-CIO, testified in support of the bill. Kaori Keyser, representing themself,
testified in support of the bill. Matt Schecter, representing UFCW Local
7, testified in support of the bill.

The panel answered
questions from members of the committee.
07:47:53 PM  
Mr. Bennett Rutledge,
representing themself, testified to amend the bill.

Written testimony
submitted to the committee may be found in Attachment G.

07:56:11 PM  
Representative Marshall
offered and explained Amendment L014 (Attachment H). The committee chair
ruled that the amendment does not fit under the bill title.

08:03:32 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.014
Moved Marshall
Seconded Ricks
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Withdrawn
08:03:34 PM  
Assistant Majority Leader Bacon and Representative Mabrey gave closing comments on the bill. Members of the committee explained their positions on the bill.

08:26:56 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 25-005 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Woodrow
Seconded Lindstedt
Armagost No
Brooks No
English Yes
Lieder Yes
Lindsay Yes
Lindstedt Yes
Marshall Excused
Richardson No
Rydin Yes
Suckla No
Weinberg No
Woodrow Yes
Ricks Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 5   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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