53CD30CC8E1795CC87258727006E62E3 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For PRESENTATION FROM COLORADO CROSS DISABILITY COALITIONINTERIM COMMITTEE TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATION REVIEW COMMITTEEDate Aug 4, 2021 Location Old State Library Presentation from Colorado Cross Disability Coalition - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment K http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf/0/560838FAB6FD...$File/21TLRC0804AttachK.pdf?OpenElement 21TLRC0804AttachK.pdf 02:05:45 PM Julie Reiskin, Executive Director representing the Colorado Cross Disability Coalition (CCDC), provided information about her organization. CCDC provided a PowerPoint presentation (Attachment K). She stated that transportation is a huge issue for the community that CCDC represents. Jaime Lewis, Chair of the Advisory Committee for Transit representing CCDC, talked about experiences with RTD. He stated that RTD offers Access-A-Ride which provides food delivery, transportation to medical appointments, and the opportunity to get out. Mr. Lewis talked about transportation and independence and CCDC's work with RTD to bring back services and make changes to services. 02:13:13 PM Mr. Lewis stated that in rural areas some folks are making their own travel arrangements to medical appointments and applying for reimbursement. He indicated that wait times for reimbursement are long and amounts received are often less than expenses. Mr. Lewis added that transportation through the Department of Human Services can be complex to use and that is why CCDC supports public transit that serves everyone. 02:17:52 PM Mr. Lewis suggested that transportation network companies are a great option for some members, such as blind individuals, however there is no support for individuals using wheel chairs. He talked about government involvement as a way requirie transportation for individuals using wheel chairs. He also indicated that buses provide a good option. 02:19:30 PM Mr. Lewis discussed the top three emerging issues identified by CCDC, including: partnerships between counties and municipalities; increased population in cities; and ride share programs. He suggested that ride share programs may need to look at accomodations for the disabled community. Mr. Lewis also talked about a possible tax to provide disabled access to cars as well as relief for RTD. 02:22:11 PM Ms. Reiskin touched on possible local government programs to ensure clear sidewalks for sight impaired individuals. 02:23:13 PM Mr. Lewis and Ms. Reiskin touched on additional participation in the RTD accessibility committees. Medical transportation gaps in service were discussed, including the unavailability of same day rides where ambulance services are often used instead. Ms. Reiskin touched on the challenge of returning home from the hospital, as well as transportation for mental health treatment.