56E9A7771497339987258687005867FD Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For PRESENTATION FROM THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEDate Feb 25, 2021 Location SCR 352 Presentation from the Governor's Office of Information Technology - Committee Discussion Only 09:05:40 AM Kate Sneed, Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT), provided a presentation that covered: - a status report on OIT's implementation of activities in response to the recommendations from the BerryDunn evaluation; - an overview of the effort to update the OIT statute; and - the OIT project dashboard. A copy of the presentation slides and the proposed statute changes can be found here: http://leg.colorado.gov/content/jjtc2021acommagenda.