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575D38413768F9588725850A0070DA55 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 10, 2020      
Location LSB A

HB20-1146 - Postponed Indefinitely

01:32:41 PM  

Minority Leader Neville, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 20-1146 to the committee.  The bill modifies the process for donating a conservation easement and requires the creation of a publically accessible map and database of conservation easements.  Representative Neville responded to committee questions.

01:48:24 PM  
Jillane Hixson, representing herself, testified
remotely from Lamar, in support of the bill.  Belinda Groner, representing
herself, testified remotely from Lamar, in support of the bill.  Ms.
Hixson and Ms. Groner responded to committee questions.
02:04:47 PM  
Jim Guire, representing himself, testified remotely from Grand Junction, in support of the bill and responded to committee questions.
02:12:29 PM  

Erik Glenn, representing the HB 1264 working group, testified in opposition to the bill.  Melissa Daruna, representing Keep it Colorado, testified in opposition to the bill.  Alan Gentz, representing the HB 1264 working group, testified on the bill.  The panel responded to committee questions.

02:36:09 PM  

Mack Louden, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.  Emily Ibach, representing the Colorado Farm Bureau, testified in opposition to the bill.  The panel responded to committee questions.

02:41:30 PM  

Minority Leader Neville made final remarks on the bill.  Committee members commented on the bill.

02:52:09 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 20-1146 to the Committee on Finance.
Moved Neville
Seconded Valdez D.
Arndt No
Buentello No
Catlin Yes
Holtorf Yes
Neville Yes
Pelton Yes
Titone No
Woodrow No
Young No
Valdez D. No
Roberts No
YES: 4   NO: 7   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

02:52:55 PM
Motion Postpone House Bill 20-1146 indefinitely using a reversal of the previous roll call. There was no objection to the use of the reverse roll call, therefore, the bill was postponed indefinitely.
Moved Valdez D.
Seconded Roberts
Arndt Yes
Buentello Yes
Catlin No
Holtorf No
Neville No
Pelton No
Titone Yes
Woodrow Yes
Young Yes
Valdez D. Yes
Roberts Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 4   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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