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657A27A227EAD28487258966007C7375 Hearing Summary


Date Mar 2, 2023      
Location SCR 357

SB23-083 - Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole

03:39:21 PM  
Senator Winter and
Senator Simpson, co-prime bill sponsors, presented Senate Bill 23-083 concerning
removing the requirement that a physician assistant be supervised by a
physician or podiatrist, replacing it with a requirement that the physician
assistant enter into a collaborative agreement with an employer, physician,
or podiatrist. The agreement must include a description of the collaboration
and performance evaluation process and any additional requirements made
by the employer that is specific to the physician assistant’s practice.
With a collaborative agreement in place, a physician assistant can practice
medicine, including prescribing and dispensing medication, including controlled

Committee members
asked the panel questions.
04:07:13 PM  
Alyn Whelchel, representing
themself, testified in support of the bill.

Kellie Lyons,
representing Colorado Academy of Physician Assistants, testified in support
of the bill.

Jennifer Orozco,
representing American Academy of Physician Associates, President, testified
in support of the bill.

Mr. Jeff McElwain,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Committee members
asked the panel questions.
04:53:44 PM  
Dr. Ken Patrick,
representing ACEP, testified in opposition to the bill.

Dr. Geoff Lim,
representing Colorado Dermatologic Society, American Academy of Dermatology,
and American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, testified in opposition
to the bill.

John Conklin,
representing Colorado Medical Society, testified in opposition to the bill.

Committee members
asked the panel questions.
05:13:47 PM  
Dr. Phil Mitchell,
representing DispatchHealth, testified in support of the bill.

Dr. Susanna Storeng,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Dr Lisa Fosnot,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Mr. Christopher
Newman, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Committee members
asked the panel questions.
05:40:27 PM  
Dr. Gary Morsch,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Dr. Mark Johnson,
representing Colorado Medical Society, testified in opposition to the bill.

Dr. Patrick Pevoto,
representing Colorado Medical Society , testified in opposition to the

Dr. Anna Engeln,
representing Colorado Chapter of American College of Emergency Physicians,
testified in opposition to the bill.

Dr. Travis Morrell,
representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.

Committee members
asked the panel questions.
06:03:01 PM  
Dr. Mark Wallace,
representing Sunrise Community Health, testified in support of the bill.

Mr. Miles Henson,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Shoshi Preuss,
representing Colorado Community Health Network, testified in support of
the bill.
06:12:26 PM  
Dakota Hitchcock,
representing Colorado Medical Society, testified in opposition to the bill.

Dr. Rebecca Kornas,
representing Colorado ACEP, testified in opposition to the bill.

Dr William Hilty,
representing Colo American College of Emergency Physicians, testified in
opposition to the bill.
06:21:55 PM  
Mr. Donald Moore,
representing Pueblo Community Health Center, testified in support of the

Ms. Katie Dickerman,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Dr. Pradeep Dhar,
representing Salud Family Health, testified in support of the bill.

Kelly Erb, representing
Colorado Rural Health Center, testified in support of the bill.

Committee members
asked the panel questions.
06:38:29 PM  
Dr. Daniel Moon,
representing themself, testified in opposition to the bill.

Committee members
asked Dr. Moon Questions.
06:49:54 PM  
Mrs. Kimberly Picchietti,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Mrs. Heidi Warner,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Mr. Bryan Wogen,
representing Lykos Medical Primary Care, testified in support of the bill.

Mr. Ron Rasis,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Mitzi Moran, representing
Sunrise Community Health, testified in support of the bill.

Harlan David,
representing themself, testified in support of the bill.

Additional written
testimony can be found in Attachment G.

Committee members
asked the panel questions.
07:24:28 PM  
Senator Winter introduced
amendment L.001 (Attachment H).

Committee members asked questions of the co-prime bill sponsors.

07:29:38 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment H).
Moved Simpson
Jaquez Lewis
Smallwood Excused
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
07:29:40 PM  
Senator Simpson introduced
amendment L.003 (Attachment I).
07:30:18 PM  
Committee members asked questions of the co-prime bill sponsors.

07:35:15 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.003 (Attachment I).
Moved Simpson
Jaquez Lewis
Smallwood Excused
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
07:35:44 PM  
Committee members provided closing remarks.

07:55:59 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 23-083, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Simpson
Buckner Yes
Cutter Yes
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Mullica No
Simpson Yes
Smallwood No
Will Yes
Ginal No
Fields Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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