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6AD58E6DFB48EE8987258C3D0070CD7B Hearing Summary


Date Feb 26, 2025      
Location LSB A

HB25-1196 - Postponed Indefinitely

01:32:08 PM  
Representative Woog, prime bill sponsor, introduced House Bill 25-1196 to the committee. The bill modifies procedures landlords must use during the eviction process.
01:36:15 PM  
The bill sponsor responded to questions from the committee.
01:43:17 PM  
Aaron Blazis, representing
Colorado Housing Coalition, testified in support of the bill.

Andrew Hamrick,
representing Colorado Apartment Association, testified in support of the

Ms. Samantha Santee,
representing Colorado Housing Coalition, testified in support of the bill.
01:52:14 PM  
Witnesses responded to questions from the committee.
01:52:26 PM  
Andrew West, representing
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, testified in opposition to the bill.

Jack Regenbogen,
representing Colorado Poverty Law Project, testified in opposition to the

Mr. Zach Neumann,
representing Community Economic Defense Project, testified in opposition
to the bill.

Vanessa Martinez,
representing Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive
Rights (COLOR), testified in opposition to the bill.

Ms. Cesiah Guadarrama
Trejo, representing Colorado Homes for All and 9to5 Colorado, testified
in opposition to the bill.
02:05:44 PM  
Witnesses responded to questions from the committee.
02:19:23 PM  
Bill sponsor provided final comments on the bill.
02:22:04 PM  
Committee members
provided final comments on the bill. Written testimony on the bill can
be found as Attachment A.

02:25:23 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 25-1196 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Woog
Seconded Barron
Barron Yes
Boesenecker No
Jackson No
Lindsay No
Paschal No
Phillips No
Richardson Yes
Suckla Yes
Valdez No
Woodrow No
Woog Yes
Stewart R. No
Froelich No
YES: 4   NO: 9   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

02:25:56 PM
Motion Postpone House Bill 25-1196 indefinitely using a reversal of the previous roll call. There was no objection to the use of the reverse roll call, therefore, the bill was postponed indefinitely.
Moved Stewart R.
Seconded Froelich
Barron No
Boesenecker Yes
Jackson Yes
Lindsay Yes
Paschal Yes
Phillips Yes
Richardson No
Suckla No
Valdez Yes
Woodrow Yes
Woog No
Stewart R. Yes
Froelich Yes
Final YES: 9   NO: 4   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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