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6B63619BF060D52087258ACA007BC65D Hearing Summary


Date Feb 21, 2024      
Location Old State Library

HCR24-1002 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole

03:32:01 PM  
Representatives Lynch
and Duran, prime sponsors, presented House Concurrent Resolution 24-1002.
The concurrent resolution refers a constitutional amendment to Colorado
voters that, if approved, would make first degree murder an unbailable
offense. The sponsors also discussed House Bill 24-1225, a tandem bill,
concerning making first degree murder an unbailable offense.  Representative
Lynch explained the effect of the resolution and discussed its need.  Representative
Duran explained the effect of HB 24-1225 and discussed its need.  Discussion
ensued regarding the population affected by the measures.
03:40:30 PM  
Alexis King, District
Attorney for the 1st Judicial District, testified in support of HB 24-1225.
Michael Allen, District Attorney for the 4th Judicial District, testified
in support of the bill. Travis Sides, District Attorney for the 13th Judicial
District, testified in support of the bill. Brian Mason, District Attorney
for the 17th Judicial District, testified in support of the bill.
04:02:14 PM  
Courtenay Whitelaw, representing herself, testified in support of the measures.
04:07:45 PM  
No amendments were offered to HCR 24-1002. The committee recessed.
04:10:20 PM  
The committee returned to order. Representatives Duran and Lynch provided closing remarks in support of HCR 24-1002. Various committee members provided their positions on the resolution.

04:28:17 PM
Motion Refer HCR24-1002 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Soper
Seconded Snyder
Amabile Yes
Evans Yes
Garcia No
Herod Yes
Mabrey No
Snyder Yes
Soper Yes
Willford Yes
Winter T. Yes
Bacon Excused
Weissman Yes
Final YES: 8   NO: 2   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

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