6CA426DE914CA7D68725888C00537077 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For WORKFORCE ISSUES IN TIMBER INDUSTRY AND FOREST SERVICEINTERIM COMMITTEE WILDFIRE MATTERS REVIEW COMMITTEEDate Jul 27, 2022 Location Old Supreme Court Workforce Issues in Timber Industry and Forest Service - Committee Discussion Only 09:13:03 AM Molly Pitts, Colorado Timber Association, and Tim Reader, Colorado State Forest Service, presented regarding workforce issues in the timber and forestry industries. The presentation may be accessed here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/workforce_issues_in_timber_industry_and_forestry.pdf. Mr. Reader described the current forestry workforce and the need for additional workers to conduct mitigation in Colorado. 09:23:20 AM Ms. Pitts described a subcommittee to educate the public about the timber industry and employment opportunities. She discussed timber and forestry workforce programs in other states, and discussed educational and employment programs to grow the timber and forestry workforce in Colorado. 09:32:11 AM Ms. Pitts discussed recommendations to strengthen community college forestry programs, increasing the availability of internships, and supporting secondary wood products manufacturing. Mark Morgan, Morgan Timber Products, discussed the issues impacting his business including the need for skilled workers, funding workforce development programs in the long term, support for community colleges and faculty members, and increased cooperation with federal agencies. 09:44:40 AM The presenters responded to committee questions regarding age of the timber workforce, capacity of community college programs, and training SWIFT crews with more equipment.