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70780D964105201E87258ABE00029741 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 8, 2024      
Location HCR 0107

HB24-1087 - Committee Discussion Only

05:28:22 PM  

Reps. McCormick and Armagost presented House Bill 24-1087. The bill creates a new pathway for an educator to obtain an endorsement in special education or early childhood special education, and allows local education providers to create specialized induction programs for endorsement candidates. The sponsors distributed a letter of support to the committee (Attachment E).  Committee discussion ensued with the sponsors.

05:50:29 PM  
Committee discussion continued with the sponsors.
05:56:01 PM  
Ms. Kate Slick, representing
the St Vrain Valley School District, testified in support of the bill.
Amy Ferrell, representing the University of Colorado, testified in opposition
to the bill. Jamita Horton, representing the Public Education & Business
Coalition, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Corey Pierce, representing
the University of Northern Colorado, testified in opposition to the bill.

06:06:37 PM  
Committee discussion ensued with the witnesses.
06:17:54 PM  
Ms. Heidi Gugler,
representing PEBC, testified in opposition to the bill. Sue Sava, representing
the Public Education & Business Coalition, testified in opposition
to the bill. Mr. Todd Fukai, representing the Colorado Association of School
Personnel Administrators and St. Vrain Valley Schools, testified in support
of the bill. Mr. Brandon Shaffer, representing St. Vrain Valley School
District, testified in support of the bill.

06:30:57 PM  
Committee discussion ensued with the witnesses.
06:43:50 PM  
Elisabeth Rosen,
representing the Colorado Association of School Executives, testified in
support of the bill. Dr. Laura  Hess, representing St Vrain Valley
Schools, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Nikki Schmidt, representing
Weld County School District RE-4, testified in support of the bill.
07:02:17 PM  
Mike Claudio, representing the Harrison School District 2, testified in support of the bill. Amanda Thompson, representing the Douglas County School District and Colorado Association of School Personnel Administators (CASPA), testified in support of the bill. Michael Clow, representing 27J, testified in support of the bill. Autumn Brooks, representing Clear Creek School District Re-1, testified in support of the bill.
07:14:29 PM  
The chair laid the bill over to later date. Witness testimony will be allowed at the next hearing.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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