70EAFF1D813EAF25872589CF005C3C05 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For OVERVIEW OF ADVISORY TASK FORCE ACTIVITIESINTERIM COMMITTEE TREATMENT OF PERSONS WITH BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DISORDERS IN THE CRIMINAL AND JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEMSDate Jun 15, 2023 Location Old State Library Overview of Advisory Task Force Activities - Committee Discussion Only 10:47:29 AM Dr. Dave Iverson, Task Force Chair, and Mr. Stuart Jenkins, Task Force Co-Chair, came to the table to provide an overview of the advisory task force's recent activities. 10:49:16 AM A packet containing recommendations from the different task force subcommittees was distributed to the committee. These documents may be located at this link: https://leg.colorado.gov/content/imicjs2023acommdocs