75C0EDC8709AE23487258895005D9016 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For EARTH FORCE TECHNOLOGIES OVERVIEWINTERIM COMMITTEE WILDFIRE MATTERS REVIEW COMMITTEEDate Aug 5, 2022 Location Old State Library Earth Force Technologies Overview - Committee Discussion Only 11:01:59 AM Justin Dawes, Earth Force Technologies, gave a presentation, including a video on Earth Force Technologies. The presentation can be found here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/committees/4._earthforce_presentation.pdf. 11:03:39 AM Mr. Dawes gave an overview of the impacts technology has to promote safety, transparency, scalability, and reduce costs. He gave an overview of his team, their use of remote and teleoperations and artificial intelligence, benefits of remote operations, workforce development, recruiting, scalable training, operator support, expert intervention, and burst capacity. Mr. Dawes described the Earth Force Foundation, and possible cooperation with the state. 11:13:13 AM Mr. Dawes answered questions from the committee on employee compensation and sustainability, the cost of projects, and thinning the forest for mitigation efforts, compared to other methods. 11:19:29 AM Senator Coram commented about the cost per acre to mitigate and efforts being made in Colorado. Mr. Dawes responded.