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841D64E16914F61387258C2D0070D4E8 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 10, 2025      
Location LSB A

HB25-1047 - Postponed Indefinitely

01:32:28 PM  
Representative Keltie,
prime bill sponsor, presented House Bill 25-1047, concerning persons who
provide assistance with veterans' benefits claims, and, in connection therewith,
establishing that certain behaviors by such persons are deceptive trade
practices under the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act." The bill
creates a deceptive trade practice for certain prohibited services when
assisting with a veterans’ benefits matter. Representative Keltie asked
that the bill be postponed indefinitely.
01:35:28 PM  
Megan Kondrachuk, representing the Military and Veterans Affairs Section of the Colorado Bar Association, testified to amend the bill.
01:37:00 PM  

Scott Feldt, representing the Disabled American Veterans Department of Colorado Chapter 7 Commander, testified in support of the bill. Carol Thomas, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), testified in support of the bill. Steve Kjonaas, representing the VFW Colorado Headquarters, testified in support of the bill. Vadim Epelbaum, representing the VFW, testified in support of the bill. Matthew Cummings, representing the VFW of the United States Department of Colorado Service Office, testified in support of the bill. The panelists responded to questions from the committee.

Written testimony (Attachment A) was provided to the committee.

01:59:30 PM
Motion Postpone House Bill 25-1047 indefinitely.
Moved Clifford
Seconded Ricks
Bottoms Yes
Bradley Yes
Caldwell Yes
Carter Yes
Espenoza Yes
Feret Yes
Froelich Yes
Mabrey Yes
Ricks Yes
Clifford Yes
Willford Yes
Final YES: 11   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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