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8E697237C138ACBE8725821D00737AF2 Hearing Summary


Date Jan 22, 2018      
Location HCR 0107

HB18-1008 - Amended, referred to House Finance

02:01:24 PM  
The committee recessed.
02:02:56 PM  
The committee came back to order.
02:04:25 PM  

Representatives Arndt and Esgar, co-prime sponsors, presented House Bill 18-1008, concerning financing Colorado Parks and Wildlife's (CPW) Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) program. The bill, recommended by the Water Resources Review Committee, creates new financing mechanisms for the ANS program in the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). It increases cash fund revenue to the program beginning January 1, 2019, and thereafter from fees on boats.  Representative Arndt distributed a fact sheet regarding the bill to the committee [Attachment C]

02:08:55 PM  
Representative Arndt responded to questions from the committee regarding the creation of fee in the bill rather than transferring funds from the General Fund to fund the ANS program. Representative Esgar responded to questions from the committee regarding the cost of the program.
02:14:19 PM  

Representatives Arndt and Esgar responded to questions regarding the fee schedule and the cost of prevention of the spread of ANS.

02:18:02 PM  

Elizabeth Brown, CPW Invasive Species Coordinator, introduced herself to the committee and testified in support of the bill. She discussed the damage that can be done by ANS and stated that the only way that ANS can infect Colorado waters is through watercrafts. Ms. Brown explained that the ANS program is considered a Tier 2 program, for the purposes of funding, and has historically been funded with moneys from the Severance Tax Operational Fund.  Ms. Brown responded to questions from the committee regarding the cost of treating ANS. Ms. Brown distributed a fact sheet regarding ANS boat interceptions [Attachment D] and the cost of ANS invasion [Attachment E]. Ms. Brown responded to questions from the committee regarding the development of zebra and quagga mussels and the importance of quick detection of ANS larvae.

02:29:36 PM  

Kathy Kitzmann, City of Aurora, testified in support of the bill and discussed the water supply system for the City of Aurora. Ms. Kitzmann responded to questions from the committee.

02:32:10 PM  
Morgan Cullen, Colorado Municipal League, testified in support of the bill.
02:34:21 PM  
Kellen Friedlander, Colorado Marine Dealers Association, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Friedlander responded to questions from the committee regarding the fee schedule set forth in the bill and the amount of boat registrations in the state.
02:38:30 PM  
Brandon Ransom, Recreation Manager, Denver Water, testified in support of the bill.
02:40:21 PM  

Gini Pingenot, Colorado Counties Inc., testified in a neutral position on the bill.

02:41:14 PM  

Ms. Brown returned to the witness table to respond to questions from the committee regarding boat stamp and registration fees in other states. She also responded to questions regarding the training of boat inspectors and the qualifications of boat inspectors. She also discussed provisions in the bill encouraging federal agencies to fund programs like the ANS program.

02:52:35 PM  

Brad Wind, Assistant General Manager for Northern Water, representing Colorado Water Congress, testified in support of the bill.

02:55:25 PM  
Erick Howell, Colorado Springs Utilities, testified in support of the bill.
02:57:08 PM  
Paul Fanning, Pueblo Water, testified in support of the bill. He also stated that Colorado River District supports the bill. Mr. Fanning also responded to questions from the committee.
03:01:20 PM  

Ken Curtis, Delores Water Conservancy, testified in support of the bill.  Mr. Curtis responded to questions from the committee.

03:04:47 PM  
Dianna Orf, Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
03:06:13 PM  

Doug Vilsack, Legislative Liason DNR, testified in support of the bill and addressed questions from the committee that were asked previously. Mr. Vilsack responded to questions from the commitee regarding the classification of penalties of violating the law as set forth in the bill.

03:09:59 PM  

Representative Esgar distributed and explained Amendment L.001 [Attachment F].

03:15:10 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.001
Moved Esgar
Seconded Buck
Becker J.
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:21:34 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 18-1008, as amended, to the Committee on Finance.
Moved Arndt
Seconded Esgar
Becker J. No
Buck No
Catlin Yes
Danielson Yes
Hansen Yes
Jackson Yes
Lewis No
McKean Yes
Roberts Yes
Saine Yes
Valdez Yes
Esgar Yes
Arndt Yes
Final YES: 10   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

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