Date Feb 13, 2018
Location HCR 0112
HB18-1131 - Committee Discussion Only
05:05:45 PM |
The committee returned to order. Representative Michaelson Jenet, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 18-1131, concerning a program to facilitate conducting judicial proceedings via networking technology. Representative Michaelson Jenet explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. She also discussed the effect of amendment L.004 (Attachment A). Representative Michaelson Jenet responded to questions regarding the exclusion of the Division of Youth Services from the scope of the bill by amendment L.004.
05:11:11 PM |
Ms. Lauren Snyder, representing the Department of Human Services, addressed the questions raised earlier about the Division of Youth Services. Ms. Alli Daley, representing Colorado Counties, Inc., addressed questions about a timeline for soliciting bids to establish the bill's telejustice infrastructure, and to roll out the program. Discussion ensued on this point. Ms. Sherri Stwalley, representing the Judicial Branch, addressed questions about the timeline, and the ability to bring the program online and on budget. Ms. Jessika Shipley, Legislative Council Staff, responded to questions regarding the fiscal impact of HB 18-1131. Discussion ensued regarding the fiscal impact of amendment L.004.
05:22:13 PM |
The balance of the calendar was laid over.